My Winter Build (not a Car) UPDATE 11/24** ♪DONE♪**More Pics

wow, hank got big.

Xander gave me a good idea so I framed the last corner so I could throw one of my dresser from Ikea in there. The middle stud looks crooked but its not nailed in yet. Then I finished the knee walls in the little side room where the breaker box is gonna be, this will also be used for storage. Like I said Im not the best at framing but I am learning as I go along.

getting closer, I got a littl emore done today and will be doing the electrical done on friday so I can insulate and drywall this fucker.

Just test fitting a piece of drywall, I had to slice it down the middle to fit it up my stairs, what a pain in teh ass its gonna be to cut every piece down stairs then lug it up three flights of stairs.

I bet it would have looked nice with the chimney exposed when finished. Looks to be coming along nicely though. :tup:

Yeah Im still thinking if I should keep it exposed or not. I want to run a socket on the wall and maybe a Plasma towards the wall with Drywall lying against it where my computer is gonna go.

Looking good man…
Good job

progress is good

Looks great, good thread, keep it updated.

Nice work. I love this kind of stuff.

I might rip apart a room in my house just for the hell of it :slight_smile:

Looks great, the house I just bought in West Seneca (1 block away from south buffalo on Burch Ave), has the exact same attic as well.

However, mine is a two family, so they put the forced air for the upper unit in the attic, and spiderwebbed the duct work all over the attic…

A little more work tonight, I am getting closer and closer to getting to the next few steps of actual drywall. I did some electrical tonight with the help of my friend Frank.

Nice! I love all the random empties laying around. LOL I know what you mean about getting Drywall upstairs. I hope you don’t plan on getting a King size bed up there…


looking better and better everytime

Fuzzy Dan?


Cleaned up some today, I finished most of the wiring and and ready to put up the fiberglass insulation. Here are a few pics from today.

and JUJU

A little more done today, getting closer.

Some pics of my puppy’s hernia and castration.


lol… how big will the finished room be?

About 30X14 give or take the end sections and other weird corners.