Mythbusters - Anyone see something that will stop 6000 page threads?


this entire thread is a total crash and burn



i suppose your right.
Well i have added everything i wish to say
i have nothing further to add for the time being so i willl stay out until i see something worth commenting on i guess.

[quote=“XH TNTA,post:159,topic:37377"”]

Who knows. Who knows…
Some went to maryvale, while others may have went to lafayette high i guess :gotme:
Not everything is taught the same way in all schools.


what other way is there to teach a LAW OF NEWTONIAN PHYSICS?


what other way is there to teach a LAW OF NEWTONIAN PHYSICS?


Go sit at both schools and you tell me the difference of what you might have learned from each school.
I’m willing to bet that the newtonian physics is probably not taught the same way.

morons unite… form a club or something so we have a better way to identify you early

The pole really needs to be changed to:

A. I own or have owned a Mustang or F-Body and don’t think the plane will take off.
B. I do not own and never have owned a Mustang or F-Body and don’t think the plane will take off.
C. I own or have owned a Mustang or F-Body and think the plane will take off.
D. I do not own and neer have owned a Mustang or F-Body and think the plane will take off.

It would help in the study I’m doing about Mustang Mentality. :slight_smile:

[quote=“XH TNTA,post:163,topic:37377"”]

Go sit at both schools and you tell me the difference of what you might have learned from each school.
I’m willing to bet that the newtonian physics is probably not taught the same way.


i have totally lost any and all faith for the future of this country.

[quote=“XH TNTA,post:163,topic:37377"”]

Go sit at both schools and you tell me the difference of what you might have learned from each school.
I’m willing to bet that the newtonian physics is probably not taught the same way.


you can not teach it different, if this a conversation about something in english I would say you could, ITS PHYSICS


Holy shit, you posted another “LOL”

Are you just looking to build up your post counts… you bad ass:carnut



[quote=“XH TNTA,post:163,topic:37377"”]

Go sit at both schools and you tell me the difference of what you might have learned from each school.
I’m willing to bet that the newtonian physics is probably not taught the same way.


OMG…i don’t believe people like you actually exist. Understanding that their are different teaching methods, i understand. To think that leads to different answers…?

Please tell me you are mastermind troll computer program processing my words as binary… or at least bound to a wheelchair and managed to tie a pencil to your tongue using a rubber band just so you can type.




Thats the same face your mom gave you when you came out of her womb

Physics pwns morans






OMG…i don’t believe people like you actually exist. Understanding that their are different teaching methods, i understand. To think that leads to different answers…?

Please tell me you are mastermind troll computer program processing my words as binary… or at least bound to a wheelchair and managed to tie a pencil to your tongue using a rubber band just so you can type.


Listen i never SAID it lead to different answers . Like ImportMuscle your assuming i meant something i did not state…
Things that can be taught differently will only lead to different answers in the minds of the people learning. Not everyone arrives at the same answers the same way even when taught the same or differently, which is why some people pass the class in the advanced placement and some kids are the failing grade. Even though the the teacher gets everyone to the right answers and then gives the homework on what you just learned doesn’t mean that all studends will arrive at the same answers thus some failing and thus some passing.

AGAIN i never said different teaching methods lean on different answers, but its all in the minds of the students learning said methods.
If you feel i am an idiot then hey that is your opinion, and as stated before
i never said i agree or disagree with the plane will take off theory.

Heroes is on tonight… Peter Petrelli can lift the plane and the mill up with his mind!

[quote=“XH TNTA,post:173,topic:37377"”]

Listen i never SAID it lead to different answers . Like ImportMuscle your assuming i meant something i did not state…
Things that can be taught differently will only lead to different answers in the minds of the people learning. Not everyone arrives at the same answers the same way even when taught the same or differently, which is why some people pass the class in the advanced placement and some kids are the failing grade. Even though the the teacher gets everyone to the right answers and then gives the homework on what you just learned doesn’t mean that all studends will arrive at the same answers thus some failing and thus some passing.

AGAIN i never said different teaching methods lean on different answers, but its all in the minds of the students learning said methods.
If you feel i am an idiot then hey that is your opinion, and as stated before
i never said i agree or disagree with the plane will take off theory.


I dont know but this makes sense to me; dont take my word though… I think the plane will not fly


What he said was an opinion because nothing was backed by his reasoning. “Law of physics” doesnt cut it for me. The “law of physics” have been broken before.


lol I choked on a pretzel when I read that.

lol i choked a bitch when i read that.

I qwertyed my boss when i read that


Thats the same face your mom gave you when you came out of her womb


haha. i actually chuckled at that one.

jrod. tell me one time in history…ever…even if it has to do with you eating peanut m&m’s…when the laws of physics didnt hold true.


i hate to make this connection, but maybe you are biased about the laws of physics. maybe the laws of physics dont like you. and in their opinion you suck. and thats why the laws have decided to act differently on you and thats why you are a slower evo driver? physics has it out for your evo?