N. Korea threatens U.S

that cuntry is a joke. nobody takes them seriously and it pisses kimbo off. what a shithead. i would fold the shit out of his daddy’s pictures. i would make a paper airplane and throw it at his head.

I know, jack said the same thing more or less and I responded with this…

You dont wait for the fight, you bring the fight to their door. If you disable their ability to launch, threat averted. That is all.

China has been pressuring N. Korea to abandon its testing and if N.Korea attacks another state it will lose its ally in China.


As soon as we fire a missle to take out their launch site(s) they launch…You really don’t think we know where every missle NK has is do you?..And you don’t take the fight to them, you avoid the fight all together.

Obviously China wouldn’t support N. Korea if they attacked first

i don’t think china would support them at all except maybe financially, maybe. NK is a ridiculous joke. nobody likes them. china wants to make it big in the world, and befriending NK isn’t part of that.

fuck nukes. i wish that we could destroy them all.

Well they test fired…that answers that question.

how much you want to bet they were waiting for the 4th…fucking drama queens

i was gonna say it seems kind of ironic that they fired it on the 4th. they alasos aid it failed less than a minute into the launch cycle, so looks like they gotta go back to the drawing board.

Im waiting for the real story like Japan shot it down…this is their 2nd attempt at having a missle launch and it failed in a few 100 miles…

I figured the nuclear weapon part was hard and the missle delivery system in contrast would be easy


i think they actually fired it on july 5th (N Korea time)

I just got back from that side of the world and it wouldnt suprise me if i end up going back there in the very near future…

America FUCK YEAH! here we come to save the MOTHERFUCKIN DAY!
America FUCK YEAH! Freedom is the only MOTHERFUCKIN WAY !

Or like when it leaks that the missle parts were made in China??

missle #7 launched this morning. This guy doesnt know when to stop…

He does know when…buttttttt…the whole world has its eyes on his country. He has ‘some’ leverage right now, but not enough to be worth anything.

It is all goign ot be up to what China has to say about this, we know where teh rest of that area stands pretty much.