N2O in a Spec V

If N20 is illegal on the streets please tell me why the Police tibron has it, and dont tell me that thing never see’s a street

The reason i know it has nitrous is the fact that it has the zex purge/wiper sprayer nozzle combo

The same reason it has illegal exhaust outlets on it. Over 3".

well i think something needs to be done about that

Yeah right. You think the cops give a shit about obeying their own laws?

There’s a section of the Alberta Highway Traffic act that said police vehicles can use illegal equipment in performing their duties. Another one specifically says that they can also speed or perform otherwise illegal manouevers in the course of their duties.

Now, no way in hell is the Tibby a cruiser, or is it used as such - but since it’s a police vehicle, they can use whatever they want on it and they can cruise to the track at 180KPH if they felt like it.

now Kris all that has to be done is cover the spec in police decals and you can drop nitrous in

Yeah… I can tell the ricers that the RCMP decals are Nismo racing stripes. :smiley:

Hey I asked my uncle (who’s an EPS) and he said Nitrous is legal as long as you are under the speed limit :lol: that will be meeeeeee. :partyman: :finga:

Yeah. Right. :smiley:

You have Nitrous and you’ll be under the speed limit? Uh huh… :wink: