NASA and NASCAR combined in this sport

this could be cool yet deadly at the same time

thats fucking awsome

anyone else see that commercial for the plane racing that is already happening? The guys were flying through and around obstacles… i think it is on thursday

reno air races? or that red bull thing?

either way, sounds nuts, “NASACAR” :lol: combining rednecks and trig majors in one fell swoop.

yeah the red bull thing… looks really sweet.

WTF!!! People are gonna die…Lots of em.

Looks like a good time. That the next step up from CART I suppose.

and i am sure that will send ratings thru the roof. there is a lot of money to be made there… granted its at the expense of peoples lives, BUT i am sure they know the risks before they get involved.

So, how’s social security reform coming?

lol @ nikuk

sounds cool though… I want to see it :tup:

looks pretty sweet i would watch it

the commercial for the red bull ari race looks wild too

if we can kill some people off doing stupid shit, there may just be some money left in SS when we retire :slight_smile:

ohh man sooo many ppl are going to die but im def watching it

this is pretty out there. People will die. Every part of a rocket motor is volatile as hell. Its like sitting in a fucking firework. A vehicle moving at Rocket speeds (Mach 5+) is REALLY hard to control… thats if it doesnt get torn apart from the stress and heat first.

Be better off building human guided grenades.

they said speeds of up to 300 mph… def not to the rocket’s potential…

Well, get to work. There’s gotta be a lot of Darwinian losses out in the sticks.

Seriously though, Tax dollars go to Nasa, Nasa spends it on this? But I pay $160/mo for Health for me & the fiance. :roll2:

I dont think NASA is sponsoring this, unless I read it wrong. It is sponsored by the guy who had the 10 mil prize for the first private company to get into space… the X prize…

not nasa.

alright, i read it wrong, sorry.

but… ah fuck it.

:tup: to someone with ambition

That guy is going to make the world a better place.

300mph …?? a prop plane can go faster then that… what a waste of time…

lets make things 100 times more dangerous and go slower :bloated: