NASA finds evidence of Alien Life

I will go along with this because it is expected religion would be a main argument in the finding of alien life.

IMO, there are two main issues with religions argument against evolution.

Number 1: Religion, well Christianity claims that man was set forth on this earth at the same time life began. This would mean we lived along side the dinosaurs. There is an unfathomable amount of proof to show we did not live along side the dinosaurs.

Number 2: Christianity again claims the heavens and the earth were created in a 7 day time frame by “god” and the timeline of the bible puts the earth, and therefore the heavens at an age of roughly 6,000 years. We know, just by looking at the stars, that the universe is billions of year old. How? Because we have calculated the speed of light. Thereby allowing us to gauge the distance of a star based on how long it took the light from that star to reach us.

The only reason I have joined this argument is because the proof of alien life, even if it is just a microorganism, goes against a lot of religious ideology. But like I said before, religious texts allow for a great deal of interpretation so that faith can be bent to suit the needs, or arguments of a follower of said religion.

The facts however, can’t be argued. Real evidence of alien life has been found. Aside from religion, this is a huge huge event. Granted, its hard to believe that with the size of the universe, in conjuction with the idea that if you believe in the quantum theory of physics which states our universe is just a bubble along side an infinite number of other universes, how can you not expect there to be other life out there?

All this is to me if the proof that we need to say it does exist.