The basis of religion is faith. Are there people who make it about the physical church and if you ‘dont go, you will not get to heaven’? Sure. But not everyone is like that nor is that correct.
Like I said before…religion is about FAITH and a relationship with God more than it is about the church located at address . That’s just a building with people in it.
That being said, the reason why I believe in A God or why others believe is that things happen to us people that are literal miracles. We choose to believe that there is a higher being who made that possible. I mean, how does my mom get cured from blood infection/disease (deadly) literally over night? Doctors said she had a couple nights to live and yet, 20 years later, she’s kicking…with a 30% functioning heart (left side is 90% dead and other side is barely working - she has what they call a leaking valve). Goes to work every day, does the home duties every day, etc.
Doctors don’t know what happened or how she’s still alive, but she is.
Is she some super human? Doubt it. I have many more examples of people I know first hand who were miraculously healed, but that is neither here nor there.
I’m not one of those religious people arguing that alien life is impossible and people who think that are lost sheep :lol. Let’s stop attacking religion(s) or trying to say they are less right than science. There are things science hasn’t proven either.
I don’t understand why people have to be right in whether or not evolution is how we came to be or God is how we came to be. You can’t tangibly prove there is no God even IF you CAN prove that the Bible’s timeline is incorrect. That doesn’t prove that God doesn’t exist. Simple as that. And I can’t disprove a lot of things Science has found because I’m not a scientist. Simple as that.
It is what is. I don’t deny there is a form of evolution happening in every day life, but I also don’t agree that we came from monkeys.
Bottom line is this is an interesting discovery and lets just leave it at that.
which again furthers my point that people always jump to it must be god because i cant explain it with science. that is until they can explain it with science.