NASA finds evidence of Alien Life

Too bad this will only reinforce those who think aliens fly here for millions of light years and forget to shut off their lights as they hover around :facepalm

Until that happens, people need to agree to disagree. Simple as that. No one needs to be the Phelps family or the equivalent Scientist.

:rofl :rofl :rofl

12k hiddies, brah, they ain’t forget! THEY STUNTIN’

Woah you mean there is no Amun Ra who drives his chariot across the sky to raise the sun?



Wasn’t Jesus black? I don’t know, I didn’t really pay attention in religion class. :rofl

Moses was mad.

Sorry to rain on every ones parade but the original link has been updated.

So…evidently there are ‘crazies’ in the science community as well if the update is true and it’s just a bunch of ‘kooks’.

I’m happy to see there are persons or people in EVERY group (including the Science community) who people think are a bunch of idiots.


All the update says is that the finding is being challenged and that is to be expected. Nowhere does it say that the original claim or science is false.

Just some skeptical scientists, stating their opinion on the Cosmology Journal and their skepticism of the findings.