Ne2K9 Supra Meet/Show

time to start finding cans and returning them. :tongue
A bit pricy but good shit.

also check here:

FUCK D&D! I bought a t3650 off them and 2 months later it was grindin like a fuck

I didnt know it came from there.

I think my tranny needs work but I might just wait until it blows up (if it ever moves under its own power again) to replace it. The front bearing seems to have alot of play in it.

Cause you dont use the clutch you ass fuck

Thats what the left pedal is for?!?


I’ll probably be staying down there, guy that built my car owns a performance shop and he offered to let me stay at his new $650,000 house. :confused:

is he cute?


I was just thinking:
“Wait, I don’t remember Adam using the clutch at all when I was in the Mach1…”

That’s it, Nicole cant go.

How am I suppose to invade your hotel room now you jerk

Har Harrrrrr.

I shall find a new way to ruin your trip

  1. show up
  2. tell everyone u own the supra
  3. ???
  4. profit.

That does not ruin my trip. :lol

It will when I have a copy of the key made and I drive off and then part it out to fill in the blank for step 3



step 3 my friend, step 3. u dont know what that is.

He is uber fucked