NECC Summer Track Days

Is there any point? Last meeting only 2 members showed up, myself and Ryan.:confused1:

I know there are people who want a track day, myself included, and I thot Namao was booked for that day. Granted, it is tougher to get people out in the summer, the last meet I was out of town, and with the website hacked it is tougher to get the word out. Anyone else that would come out? I will be there for sure if it is a go.

well i know i have been asking for payments and when insurance is going to be had… and yes there was 2 ppl in the last official meet but i also waS doing some work to my car in a friends garage as i live in an apartment and when i get a place to do said work then i take it…and iam sorry as it happened to fall upon a meet which iam wanting to go to as thats the only way that you can get the club to prosper… but the more track events then the more you can get ppl interested…thats what i think is the use of the track event…

Ok guys, good points, our concern is that if we go ahead and get things going, are people going to show up? I know there are some of you guys that have other obligations and that is totally fine as I have things to do as well, but besides the few who inquired, there really is no interest shown so far, PLEASE prove me wrong guys.

i think since we know what days are booked… we start advertising it…as in like everywhere we can… is there a way that we can print out some flyers for this event? as I WILL PERSONALLY go and throw out flyers if thats the kinda thing your looking for… but not just on random streets obviously as that doesnt really do any good but to certain ppl looking for track events… if you want…

Anything that you feel would benefit our cause is cool. Advertising would be a good thing to try as seeing how posting up on the site a month in advance doesn’t work. Even just word of mouth will work wonders, we need to think of things that are appealing to the like minded people like us and throw it out there. I really don’t want to see the club fall apart, but that’s the direction we’re headed and fast. Maybe we’ve hit the point where car clubs are slowly dying out due to lack of interest and money/time. IDK, but now is the time to show your support and help bring this club back from the dead, we basically have about a week to get all things in order to make this thing happen. Any word on our gear or insurance or any of that stuff? Bernie what’s our status? Can we realistically get this done?

It is happening this coming Sunday, we have NO monies collected, NO cars registered, NO time to test equipment. Basically this past meet was everyone’s chance to make this happen. Since we do not have any leg work done I honestly do not think this is at all possible. At best I think we may do the next track day seeing as there is no time or people willing to donate some time to get things rolling. Sorry to be a downer, but I’m getting really frustrated with this club.

I say we just do our August date and go out with a bang. Allow only 20 people to register so everyone gets a lot of runs. We have a meeting to discuss these issues soon. I am going to close this thread for now. We will post info when it is available for our track events.
