need a divorce lawyer, anyone have a suggestion?

I like Pauls logic

Dorothy mantooth is a saint!!!

damn dude. best of luck to you.

James man I’m really sorry to hear about this. I saw the thread but didn’t notice that it was you who created it.

I hope all goes well in the future for you.

shoot the cunt. i’ll post bail. /thread.

And I’ll mow his lawn.


+rep :rofl :rofl

is divorce done in family court? if so, hearsay is allowed in family court.

a bullet and an alibi is all you need. Of course a 4x4 and a shovel help too.

sorry for your troubles man, sounds like shes pretty heartless. good luck with finding a lawyer. this is why i will never get married its so easy to get hitched but so fucking hard and expensive to end it. not worth the risk IMO

This is an old thread i started, but i figured it was worth updating. As of october 16th 2012 i was officially divorced. Took over 2 years, total in attorney fees was only $1400, which isnt terrible really. I pay a lot in child support now, which sucks because i have them almost half the time anyway.

The ex is still a skank and an absolutely horrible and disgusting person. I still hate her for what she did, but im working on that. I once confronted him, but never went further than that. Neither have ever apologized.

It took me a long time to come to terms with everything, but at the end of the day the fact is she made me miserable for a long long time and im way happier now that i ever could have been with her. So its whatever. I’d still like to knock his teeth out one day if it didnt mean going to jail.

Oh well.

Glad it’s all squared away man!!!

All about this. Move on with your life man. You’re better off.

Dad used her and she was all about getting paid before she did any foot work or anything . Cost him a ton of money every time my moms lawyer was involved. She is a total cut throat cunt . He won his case but wasnt happy with how much he had to dish out.

As long as you dont use a weapon you wont go to jail :slight_smile: Youll get a disordlery conduct which is a violation not a crime… so go knock some teeth my friend… lol

Borrow a Prius
Wait til they are crossing the road
Claim accelerator stuck and mow them over


But in all seriousness I’m glad it’s all settled for you. I can’t imagine how I would react if that happened to me especially now having a son with her as well.

Good deal James. And the girl you have now is awesome. Both your kids are awesome. I think youre way better off buddy.

Glad this worked out. Taking the high road worked out in the long run.

Frugal NYS fee schedule:

One time:

Mediator fee - till atty review: $3600
Atty fee;$2100
Splitting IRA fees: $1800

Monthly fee : More than the one time mediator fee