Need a job asap!

Lol, well I didn’t get fired because I did anything wrong. It was a budget cut and they lied to me. I caught them in the lie as well. I worked at Best Buy for a year and a half and worked harder and better than almost 90% of the employee’s in that store. On boxing day I left the store due to other job availability and pay rate, however out of generosity I helped out boxing day because for Best Buy it is the BUSIEST day of the year with a budget to reach of over 1.8 Million dollars in just one store.

About a month ago I went in to see how things were and was curious about possibly working there again, and to my surprise they actually wanted me to come back, after speaking with a couple managers.

I was re-hired within a week of that and things went well especially considering I still knew all my stuff and moved up in the company quite well. I was an asset to any team I was promoted to.

Saturday morning, I went in for my shift and was called in by a manager I had befriended. He mentioned that Audrey my dept. manager was to busy to tell me that “I was fired”, so she had him do it. They’re excuse was that “I didn’t meet expectations” and when I had asked what exact expectations have I not met, they failed to provide me with anything I’ve done wrong.

I’ve emailed a few general managers over the weekend that I’ve known for a while and according to them because I had left before and were back now they felt I was expendable and couldn’t afford to continue to pay me. So instead of telling me there’s been a budget cut I was than told I basically couldn’t do my job yet all my supervisors had been recommending me for the senior position before I had left boxing day. Not only that but even leaving the store saturday, the manager who was a “friend” mentioned that he’d more than willing be able to give nothing but a positive reference for my name. As much as that’s nice to hear It’s still kind of like a stab in the back, especially when you’ve worked for a company so long and it seems like they actually care for you. I’ve worked my ass off at that store, and earned every promotion I’ve gotten and than…I get promoted to a customer, something I didn’t deserve.

So I wasn’t fired on behalf of anything I did wrong, more so of the company lieing.