Need a new Bank

I’ve dealt with most the local banks over the years and so far the only one that hasn’t pissed me off yet, and i stress yet, is First Niagara.


Another satisfied HSBC customer

Every time I have an issue (which is almost never), it’s resolved in no time


Nothing out there can beat 5.05% APY online saving account with no min. balance.

I love greater buffalo savings the seem to offer higher interest rates then the other banks, Not to mention they are open 7 days a week so thats a plus im not sure how many other ones are

^good man

no shit

but shit happens, never again tho. that was 3 years ago now

i use bank of america because they have a great online interface, free checking, good interest rates, and my credit card is through them so its very easy to just swap funds between the 2 accounts

I’m at Citizen’s Have been for years. Never a problem that wasn’t my fault. Never any mysterious charges.

It’s easy. keep money in the account, and you won’t be charged overdraft charges.

when I had charter one I was in undergrad, and obviously a broke ass college student. I had about $20 in my account, so I left it alone. One day I went in to the bank, only to find out that I had negative $180 in my account. Apparently they had charged me some kind of fee for some crap I hadnt signed up for, which overdrew my account. They then didnt notify me, and let the overdraft charges keep piling up (as I had assumed for a few weeks that I still had that $20 in there). Freakin’ iceholes!

Never trust a bank that uses old restaurant buildings for its branches!

i use st. joseph federal credit union on englewood.

Awesome people, online account access, cheap loan rates.

Alot of stuff that a major bank won’t do.

For example, I call up the bank, they all know me. I tell them i’m sending my brother in , he needs to borrow 100 from my savings account.

My brother walks in, they know him. They give him the money.

old thread, but just wanted to mention they are running a special that any new money put into the account will earn 6% APR till april, then go back to 5.05%

can’t believe i’m the first person to post this in 2pgs:

why not join a credit union?


Nothing out there can beat 5.05% APY online saving account with no min. balance.






wierd. i was just thinking about this thread from months ago and wondering if something could beat an APY of 5.05%. thanks.

LOL it’s nice to see so many people speaking highly of HSBC… It’s an amazing company to work for too i must say!

Well the online savings account will be 6% apy through the end of april on new money and new accounts actually after that then it will go back down to 5.05%.

But that rate still can’t be beat for the most part considering it’s totally free and requires no other hsbc relationships or minimum balances.

^^too early. try again in 3 months.

if you stay in buffalo… go with hsbc

if you travel at all of BOA

My girlfriend just got key because they offered a free ipod.

The day she signed up they changed it from ipod nano, to a crappy 512mb ipod shuffle, lol.

She doesn’t have any money, so any free checking is ok for her.

I use St. Joseph Federal Credit union on englewood. Even though I live in west seneca, I still use them.

They have excellent loan rates, and its the only bank I can walk in, and everyone knows myself and most every customer by name.

Its also the only bank that I can call up, and tell the bank manager that I need to transfer some money to my brothers account to loan him some money, and they do it right over the phone, no questions asked.

I’ll miss their service when i move.