Need a New Battery - School Me Please

I think I have drained down my battery too many times while working on it/jump starting it. That and maybe because my daily drive is only 25 minutes each way so it can’t fully charge? Idk.

So… say I am in the market for a battery.

I don’t need it to play the stereo while the ignition is off or car shows or any crap like that, so do I just want the best for CCA?

Looking at Odyssey, Kinetik, Stinger, Optima…whatever. I was thinking the Kinetik 1800, but I think its odd that their specs do not include CCA.

Assume price is no object, my only requirement is that it fits in the OEM spot and I will always be able to start the car up. What should I look at?

so wat car is it supposed to fit then lol

scion…i’m not expecting you to figure out my storage space…(I’m not that lazy) i’ll do that when you tell me what brand to consider. I figure each manufacturer has a few models based upon size…

consumer reports rated diehard platnium the best battery out there


Any battery made by Johnson controls.

Avoid the exide batteries, I killed two of them…

I think that the walmart batteries are made by johnson, and they are the cheapest.

You will want to trickle charge a new battery before you put it in (at least I do that)…

any thoughts on AGM technology?

I’d just grab anything if I were you. Maybe a 3 year warranty jobber from Autozone and save the receipt just in case. You don’t have any special demands. 25 minute commutes are not taxing on a battery at all.

Anything really, most people don’t keep a car on here long enough for it to even be an issue. No point in blowing the money on a DD that isn’t doing anything special. If warranty is a concern just do what Fry suggested, and then kill it around the two year mark. Instant 5 year warranty, battery failures under normal usage are fairly uncommon these days even Wal-Mart specials will last years with no issues.

I’ve always put diehards in my stuff (cars, boats, ATVs, motorcycles) and have never had starting issues. The only exception was my GTO because Diehard didn’t have a battery in stock for me and the OEM one was leaking, so it ended up with one of the higher end NAPA ones that had good reviews.

Napa batteries are made by Dekka and are as good as any other major battery.

ive had so so sucess with diehards. Ive always preferred interstate batteries, and no, not their optima series.


The one I am selling for 25 bucks :stuck_out_tongue:

If you don’t have any special needs, any battery will work fine.

and basically don’t drain it down as that reduces the overall life span?

yes, draining the battery even only a few times will shorten its lifespan dramatically

ok, so did some digging and learned that Enersys makes the platinum for sears, they also make the batteries for Odyssey.
so intertube searches put the specs on the Odyssey PC1500 the same as the Platinum. The sears badged version is almost $100 less.
I think I’m going with the Diehard.