serious replies only…im too sick to my stomach to read stupid joking replies…keeping the story short i found out that a rumor is absolutly true that a friend X fucked friend Y’s gf…friend Y knows nothing about it and he is moving out of state in less than a month with zeeslut…if i tell him…he’ll laugh because duder X is chubby and unintelligent…i know i have to tell him…but how the hell do you bring something like this up?! i dont want to ruin his life…but it’d be worse if he stays with this broad.
you have to tell him cause moving with a girl is pretty serious.Try to talk to the girl and see if you can get her to admit to it.Or you could like take a pic when you know they are together and tell your friend,She would prolly lie and say he wasent even over.If you get her caught in that lie then its start
Honestly there is no way to beat around the bush. Just talk to him face to face and tell him. He might be pissed hurt whatever but he will be better off in the long run
Rock>K Cuv<Hard Place.
How long has Y and slut been together?
close to 2 years…and theyr emoving because hes going to grad school out of state…so …school starts pretty soon…i dont want him to think he cant afford to live if hes not gonna hve her half of the rent or…whatever…getting accepted to this grad school for law…is pretty awesome…not something to mess up because of some stupid hoe
yeah not a fun spot to be in…
edit: so this girl cheated on him, or this other friend slept with her before?
nyspeed gang bang ?
seriosuly tho, this has to be THE hardest thing to tell someone about the person they are dating. i seriously think it would be easier to have to break the news that she died in a car accident or some shit like that
the problem is hes so attached that hes moving out of state with her, and thats a huge deal, and not cheap either
any details on HOW you know she slept with chubby dude ? details would help us determine a plan of action
tell him you fucked her. you already know he wouldn’t trust you enough to watch his back. shit, when he goes to her and asks her if she fucked you, she might slip up, deny it and say she banged X.
make sure you’re sure it happened, and just tell him you’re doing it for the reason you’re doing it, you’re looking out for his ass…
it was recently maybe a month ago
he told my friend when he was drunk that he slept with her…we thought he lied because…he does that sometimes…so we were mad, but…thought it wasnt true…i asked a girl friend that knows her…and she said that slut actaully told her about it w/ details and so on…so hearing it from both parties = truth
Half of me wants to say…
dont ruin his happy little existence by telling him. Ignorance is bliss, maybe thing will be different when she is away and reliant on him…
The other half says
women suck at life and girls like this should all diaf
I understand your dilemma
fuck that, tell him what’s good…there’s no reason dudes should put up with cheating, and there’s not a reason a girl should chill with a guy that cheats.
don’t be in a relationship if you gonna slut around.
hey im not uninteligent
:word: My ex cheated on me. I dumped her like a sac of shit. There is NO reason to cheat in a relationship. Its harsh but tell him. truth hurts…he will get over it. its better than living with the slutbag. whose to say she wont do it again and have him walk in on them, then kill the guy, and go to jail…all because you didint tell him. It could happen :gotme:.
telling him is the right thing to do…
might as well tell him now so he won’t have to find out the hard way
Live and Learn… let it go… IMO i really don’t think its your place to tell him…
you’re right, friends shouldn’t really watch out for eachother
go to hell, or a least out of here
ok… heres a senario… your friend. actually many friends that i know do this… date a girl for a while. and cheat on them or make several attempts. you are also very good friends with the girlfriend too…
do you tell the girl friend, that is your good friend also. or do you just let the male friend do his own thing…
like i said its not my business what their relationship is about… (i know this is slightly unrelated to the OP) but i still feel i should stay out of other peoples relationships
edit: I’m not making a joke of your thread… I’m giving an alternative view…
Bro’s B4 Hoe’s. words to live by.