Need Body Work

what is this I don’t even

He HAMd you ?



aaaand this




Are you guys seriously justifying a postal worker punching his car? Bunch of clowns ITT…

You never get out and punch someones vehicle, or someone for any reason. That is what we refer to as road rage. Most people can get over being cut off. If you can’t figure out how to control yourself and do this you deserve to get penalized by having to pay for damages. Lucky he didn’t get arrested.

Go to Northeast Motorsports.

Word. Ni99a punches my quater panel hes fucking losing teeth.


Driving like a douche is justified because the other driver was a fuckwad too? I think not. Hitting him for hitting the car is an escalation, same as hitting someone’s car because they cut you off.

Clowns ITT indeed.

You are lucky he didnt shoot you.

First off where the fuck is the dent because I can’t see shit in that picture.

Second you’re both at fault, you cut him off (whether you drive like an idiot or not you still cut him off and were in the wrong) you’re just lucky he didn’t crash into you because if there was a witness you would be paying for repairs.

And his road rage was way out of line, getting out of your car is one of the dumbest things someone can do.

I would have ran him over after he punched the car LOL. Mostly because I have bad road rage myself, but I have never gotten out of my car to punch someone elses car.

I see a bodyline, no dents.

Stop driving like a douche.

did no one read my original post? cutting this retard off was accidental. obviously i was the right one because i was the one who got the money at the end of the day and wasnt looking at a felony like this guy was. i could have really been a douche and had him arrested so he lost his career but since im pretty laid back i just said id take the settlement.

Not necessarily the “right” one, there was just evidence left behind from idiot number 2 which is why you got paid. You made a mistake and got lucky it didn’t cause an accident. Postal dude went postal blowing shit way out of hand when a simple “hey dumbass I’m here honk” would have been suffice.

It doesnt matter what the circumstance is or if it was accidently and you are getting paid for it, you were still wrong for cutting the guy off, thats just common driving knowledge. At no time is it EVER ok to cut someone off, nor is it “right” accidently or not!

Waits for KK rant. :slight_smile:

This! And something tells me it will involve the term “pit maneuver”

Accidentally or on purpose, there is NO reason to do what that guy did. It’s wrong and people get cut off every day. A normal person, who has control over themselves, won’t go, ugh, Postal. If someone even thinks that the postal worker was right is in for a real surprise when they’re in cuffs, or worse, in a coffin.

That works both ways however, so next time you cut someone off, they could go off the deep end like this chode did.

So you basically just said that because people get cut off everyday its ok? I never said it was ok for the guy to go nuts, did you even read my first post?

I cut people off daily, multiple time a day, im constantly pissing people off, getting the finger, almost causing accidents, ect Does that make me a douche? maybe, but im just doing my job.

how do you cut someone off by accident?

No you turd, I said it that you need to learn how to control yourself, lol. I really wasn’t disagreeing.