need evox boot iso, or whatever

i dun fuct up muh xbox, and lost my boot disk. anyone have an iso, or evox 3935?

got a copy of evox, and used xiso for the image… tossed it on a cdrw, and for some reason its not booting from the cd. it reads it, and then continues trying to boot from the drive (the issue is my evoxdash.xbe is fuct).

anyone have a working boot cdrw or dvd i can borrow?

i do

i have a really sweet autoinstaller. its not slayers tho. let me see if i can hunt it down. ill be back

edit: found it, all i have is the disk tho. its not burned on the computer. ill see what i can do. if u wanna pick it up and borrow it, thats cool too

i dont need an auto installer, i just need to get it to boot up with ftp enabled so i can replace my evox xbe

but if i cant get this pig working, i may end up borrowing that disk

if u pop in the auto-installer, then u should be able to ftp in

what mod chip do u have, if its an xecuter3, u can boot to bios and ftp

its an old ass xecuter. i did this shit back before there were solderless chips. the first time i saw one i swore… a lot :slight_smile:

anywho, i was working on making XBMC come up as my dash via a shortcut, but that didnt work out like it was supposed to. so now it comes up with the boot screen, loads the bios, and then just sits and reads the drive over and over. guess i fucked up the path in the shortcut.

hmm yeah. u know u can install xbmc to be the dashboard, that way u dont have to link it. and then u can install evox as a program and boot to that if u need to(although u really dont). anyways, point is, this auto-installer will just install a dashboard for you. u pop it in, fidget through the menu and install the new dash. u wont have to re-format the whole damn thing

i couldnt find how to install xbmc as a dash when i originally did it. i am really pissed that the drive isnt reading the memorex cdrw’s.

can you rip the files off that disk with xiso, and email them to me?

yeah, it wouldnt boot in the xbox, so i popped it in my computer, apparently my roommate wrote over the disk(dvr+rw). good thing u didnt come and borrow it, lol

best bet is torrent the auto installer, its called “auto-installer deluxe v3.0”

i went out to best buy, they had an external dual layer dvd burner on sale for 79 bux. dvd’s boot fine, and the issue is resolved. so i wasted like 2 hours yesterday trying to get some crappy cdrw to boot. i hate shitty media.

haha yeah, those dvd drivers are super picky depending on which version xbox u have too. the later models actually used a much better dvd drive then the previous models. since u said urs is old, im gonna guess that u were using one of the first ones that are very tempermental. glad u got it fixed tho.

i need to stop being so cheap and order a replacement drive… but its uber rare that i ever use the optical drive.

yeah i agree.

only thing i use it for these days is ftp and network streaming. its more of a media center to me then a gaming system. i can tell its the same for u since ur trying to get it to boot to xbmc

yeah. the only issue i have had with xbmc so far (besides this booting to it issue) is every now and then it wont play sound, or will only play like the spanish or french sound on dvds… even after i go and select english and set it as default. i need more time to play around with it with out the old lady bitching at me.

i just grabbed a copy of linksboks, but it locks up when i go to run it. i havent had time to play with it yet, but the read me mentioned that he hadnt played with too much on HD tv’s.

ahhh. u think it has something to do with the HD video cable?

have u upgraded to latest xbmc?


ahhh. u think it has something to do with the HD video cable?


no sure, but later this week when i have some time i am going to try it with just the normal cables, and see what i get.


have u upgraded to latest xbmc?


i havent checked to see if a new version came out in the last 2 months. i should probably start there.