Need For Speed: Carbon (multiple threads merged)

cool. i have seen the bus station while playing. that’s kinda what i figured i had to do. i do that by the hospital too where there’s the different levels on the building’s roof. i was just looking for the bus station a few minutes ago and couldn’t find it. you know any landmark references off the top of your head? it’s not on the map.

my computer still isn’t working with most wanted…video card or something sucks in it…before i buy any more games i think i’m gonna have to fix that… :frowning:

the drifting is extremely gay in this one all u got to go is just push the joystick over and you start drifting no more e-braking. its also a pain cause the camera always wants to stay behind the car and its constantly moving so its hard to keep control when doing multiple drifts. othen than that its sweet, the canyon duels are so hot

i saw the commercial for it last night with an EVO and new dodge challenger drifting on some mountain road, looked decent.

good game … just like most wanted

i still cant get past number 1 though… her charger is to damn fast and when i do beat her i always fall off the canyon

i just got it too tonight- im a little :shrug: about the game… not as good as i was expectin. the graphics for ps blow. i bet its going to be so good on ps3 and 360 tho. its a strange game… the cars are in tiers and its weird… plus u start off as muscle, exotic or tunner and then the game conforms to what you pick. its an intretsting game… i got pissed off and shut it off allready but im tired and sick anyways lol

its so hard… the car just smashes into every wall cuz ur going mach jesus down 2 lane road sideways. i havent gotten far ebough yet… but if u get the crew member that can build shit u can fit body kits on cars and then mold them how u want too and im pretty pumped to see how this goes. theres a lot of cars in the game too.

trevor im comin over tomorrow to play this.

i have had it for 2 days an i beat it already :frowning: im goin to start a new career i think

just started playing it today. Not bad. only beat the first guy…but i like it so far. A few things are a little weird, but i am still used to most wanted, so i’m sure it will be a good game

now if they could just include some sort of damage system, it might be worth buying, as the gameplay is decent.

The game is pretty good…I’ve beat like 60% of career mode or whatever they call it already. I dont know if it was worth the $65 they charge for 360 games, but none the less it’s pretty solid. Although the “sense” of speed seems a bit slower than the last games, and the cars handle like balls compared to Most wanted

great game. I’m having fun with it now. Slightly better then the last one.

all i have to say is thank you Bizarro :slight_smile: i wouldnt have spent the money. it seems like to me that the handling is totally different than in other NFS games, even MW. to me, at least, its a little more sluggish…you really have to get on the brakes to make a turn. it took some getting used to, but now i think it r0x0rs teh big one111!!!1! lol drifting took a while to figure out too, but now i can rock like 30k+ drifts no problem :tup: only 40%ish done, cant wait to see the rest of it

yeah it keeps getting better. Esp once you unlock the better performance parts and cars. Obviously cars handle better and go faster so it fun. I’m at about 83% right now :slight_smile:

you do get some damage the paint somes off/ windows break…

I turned the paint damage off because a lot of the time it looks like ricer decals.

Cool that you can fly off the cliffs on the down hills.

lol thats what i did… went and ate some food,had a beer,took a shit and came back and i was good to go

I just picked up carbon an i gotta say its a big improvement over most wanted. Im glad that drifting is back and the graphics are about the same. But why is it that MW was all daytime an Carb is all night time. Are they unable to set the game to run some kind of clock system? But as far as gameplay goes ive had it 3 days now and im only playing a few races at a time an im already at 37% so by weds i should have this beat. Then its time to start a new career. But what happend to the online game play aspect for the Ps2? I know they did it on the 360 and the PS3 , is this something they focused their energies into a evolving system an not going for the “outdated” ones.I woulda liked to have jumped online an did a few canyon drifts . Ah well its stills better then its predacessor. Overall im pretty damn pleased with it

true touge killers only race at night. NFS is keeping it real. leave them alone.