need help fast

i have the tranny unbolted in my silvia and everything is good to take it off but i wont come off like it looks likes its stuck on the fire wall does any one have any write ups or anything that would help

gotta tilt the motor downwards.
loosen the motor mounts
if it doesnt come off like that then it could mean something broken inside the tranny

good luck!

ok we got the tranny off but now we cant get it back on…we didnt have to losen the mount but now we cant get it back on

It’s going to be a bitch to get that tranny back on man…It’s easier to do it with the motor out ofthe car. But anyways if you have something with wheels on it that you can rest teh tranny on use that…you need one that will be the same height as the motor but if you can find something like that its easier to just wheel it up to the motor and then try and put it on…there’s going to be lots of wiggleing involvled lol

mine slipped on better upside downish, and then I rotated it to line up properly. Just take your time and dont get pissed off.

we have been lifting it up with me and two friends but its a bitch cause everytime we get it close we have to put it back down soo iam gonna try and put it on some thing level with the engine…but the biggest problem is that its hittin the fire wall so do you think that its gonna help if its sittin on some time to play with it more

use a bottle jack with a 2x4 on the front lip area (were the oil pan bolts to the engine or bottom pulley) DO NOT place it directly under the oil pan! and carefully tilt the engine back a bit… makes the job allot easier


You got to pwnzors and just put it in.

End of my advice. Me and my friend got it in first try!

unbolt the exhaust from the turbo elbow