need help plz sr20det problems

hey how it going guys i need you help got the 180 like two months ago and all i have is problems with it small ones till now so heres whats going on :

92 sr20 det red top engine and about 96xxx km

the engine was cold and i was coming home from work and it blew the filter right off the engine and lost all the oil that was 2 weeks ago and now this morning it happened again filter blew off and lost all the oil plz can someone tell me whats going on with this engine cause im a bit lost lol

and can someone tell me the following information plz and thank you;

1- what the oil filter number and what brand name is good for it?
2- what oil should be used and like 10-w30 or like 5-w40 ?

thank you for your help


wow ive never heard about the oil filter blowing off

Oil pressure issue maybe?

wow, that is quite the wierd problem… are the threads on the oil filter screw thing (on the engine) stripped maybe? did the filters literally just blow off like a rocket, or did they just kinda come loose and spill oil everywhere?
Some more detail would help.

uh oh, someone overtightened their filter and stripped aluminum threads!

just blew right off and it has happend twice and both times the engine was cold and also this morning to it was cold when it blew off, man i have bad luck with this baby i think because i love the car that much lol

waits for some preacher to say you have to use an OEM filter

i have seen an SR require a 7317 filter before, but every single other one used a 4386. these are fram part numbers.

sounds to me like you either stripped the threads for the oil filter or yours is one of the rare ones that uses a different filter and you’ve forced the regular filter on and wrecked the threads in the filter.

does the filter spin on easily?

my money is on some threads being ruined, whether it’s the block or the oil filters.

the threads are good on the block and should i worry about the engine or anything thanks for evryones help D…

depends how long it was running after the filter blew off. if it was just a second or two then there probably isn’t any damage, the longer you went the more likely it is that there is oil-starvation damage.

have the filters been threading on easily?

i put a new filter on it and the proper one i hope and see where that leads to and yes they threaded on just fine plus the filter taken of was diffrent so it could of been that problem but i also was told the oil presure switch or something like that in the part that bolts onto the engine that holds the filter if anyone had a problem with that it would be nice to know maybe its that

if you want to, spend 50 bucks and get a new oil filter housing…yes its the same part that has the oil pressure switch on it…

if you need help getting the part let me know i can put you in touch with someone who can get it…its not a hard swap.

hey guys well what has happend i got the 4386 oil filter and put it on myself because the filter blew off just around the corner and i did it on friday i drove to montreal for the weekend and drove around there and then went to Ottawa so i made almost 1,700km this weekend and it didn’t pop off so i guess it has the right filter on now, so thank you for all your help