Need help(speeding ticket)

I think all of you should jump off this kids nuts for a couple minutes and think about it. Now anyone here who’s never done 37MPH over the speed limit can stay, everyone else GTFO. Yeah, exactly.

Just because a road is a 35 zone doesn’t necessarily mean anything. The boulevard is 35 all the way from main until sheridan, yet that’s hardly a dangerous stretch to go fast, just a speed trap. Anyone ever go to darien lake and get caught in “corfu” where the road goes from 55 to 35 for 3 blocks? How about Arcade where they sit there and wait where the road goes from 55 to 30 to pull you over at 32?

Posted speed limits don’t necessarily mean shit about the surrounding area. Half the time it just means the local court wants more money. Russian, unlike the rest of this board i wish you the best of luck in getting off, you’re still gonna need it.