need help, the R/T wont start

it cranks, but doesnt fire. theres nothing coming off the coil, so i replaced that, and still nothing. It was suggested to me that the crank sensor might be bad. i picked up a enw one on my way to work and i’m gonna put that in when i get home (PAIN IN THE FUCKING ASS!!!). does anyone have any other suggestions as to what might be casuing this? theres no CEL when i crank it or anything, and everything is plugged in.

Edit* Nevermind its not getting spark…Reading pwns me

does it have gas?

I’m sure something there isn’t right, make sure the fuel pump is working/gas is getting to the engine :gotme:

edited for gullibility


and yes, i filled up 2 5 gallon gas cans yesterday and filled it up with fresh gas. the fuel pump goes on as soon as you turn the ignition on, so i let it build pressure in all the lines before cranking it, and i checked the pressure release valve on the fuel rail and its deffinately pressurized.

and by craking it im not doin too much harm, am i? as its pretty much impossible to flood a fuel enjected engine, right? and im not cranking it for a long time, only for mayb a good solid 3-4 count and a time.

nikuk suggested checking ur compressor housing.

although i dont know where on ur motor u would have a compressor housing

so to get it straight, u have no spark?? check all of ur ingition ssytem then. do u have a shop manual? it might have some usefull troubleshooting steps that u should probably try out

i have the shop manual, however troubbleshooting it through there leads me to a bunch of wire diagrams that i dont understand. i posted my troubbles on some Dodge forums, and a few people suggested the crank sensor. im gonna give that a try, and if thats not it, im stumped. o and there is no compressor.

:doh: that was not regarding MikeRi24s truck

just get urself a multimeter and carefully read the diagrams. im pretty sure i live real close to u, but i wont be around at all for a while to help. work pwns me



mike iam off tomorrow lmk

Probe into the fuel injector hot wire and see if u have voltage also…

Might be a dead PCM, or bad grd. to either PCM or something for ign.

Edit: Scratch that, I just saw your other thread.

there is no spark, gas really wouldn’t matter at this point

I would bet its either a. A bad ground or a loose/unhooked connecter, being that you just took apart the motor, trace back the power for the coil plug through the whole harness first…

since he didnt word this very well let me throw in wat i know.

-spark is solved and we are getting a strong spark
-we are getting fuel to the rail, known by the pressure release valve and the sparks plugs have gas on them
-when we put the motor at top dead center, as followed by dodge service manual book, the disturtor was maxxed out in one direction
-the popping noise sounds like a ballon popping. mainly on the passenger side. also sounds like its coming up through the intake and sometimes through the mainfolds, tough to tell.
-the popping noise is very irregular. sometimes it wont pop for a few seconds then next thing you know you get 5 pops in a row.

i believe thats all of the facts. ne1 have ne thing else to add?