Strange spark issue...

So i decided to do a compression test to see how the compression was holding up…turned out perfect 145 across all 4 but now when i go to start the car it dosent want to start…it will crank for ever but it seems to not be getting a spark…what are the main things that would cause this…and it dosent really make sense to me becuase it started up fine before i took the plugs out…and thats all i took out…anybody know what i could have missed or a little trick i dont know about?

first of check spark plug wires and spark plugs

Already did…i couldnt check to see if im getting a spark…im working by myself and have no one to crank the motor over haha…but now i tihnk im leaning towards it being a different problem…when i turn my key over to the on position my fuel pump dosent prime…i cant hear anything at all not matter how many times i turn the key on and off…any ideas?

spark plug wires eh? maybe check to see if everything is still hooked up, its probably something stupid like the cas sensor plug.

K what…the…fuck…im not getting any power to my ECU now…what could cause this stupid bs?

mmmm thats weird, make sure that the wires pushed all the way in on the back of the ecu … also did you label the spark plugs 1234 when you removed them off the engine … also make sure the plugs for the sparkplugs are also tighten

Everything is tight and yes i know where all coilpacks go and in which order…im totally lost on how my ECU was fine and now it dosent even turn on…anyone in calgary have an ECU i can try?

label the spark plugs??? are you kidding me??? dont give advice if YOU YOURSELF dont even know what you are talking about.

did you check both the battery terminals, i know this may sound stupid but double and triple check everything that is around there. (you might have bumped something doing the test)

=\ everything looks fine on the battery terminals…its just REAAAALLY odd my ECU would just die on me like that…because it worked fine then i do a comp test for 15 mins and then its fucked…argggggg im so frustrated with this shit

label the spark plugs??? are you kidding me??? dont give advice if YOU YOURSELF dont even know what you are talking about.

did you check both the battery terminals, i know this may sound stupid but double and triple check everything that is around there. (you might have bumped something doing the test)[/quote]

i was trying to help … i remember when i needed help, it didnt matter how dumb it sounded i would try it to solve the issue which by the was doing an SR20 swap that granted some of you know that i got the wiring done at a shop but i was there the whole time trying to figure out why it wasnt cranking all the way … my issue was with the fuel injectors being clogged … but hey what i do know right … not everyone here is a nissan certified like you :roll: so save me the bs beside ur input to this problem was what … the cas sensor … did that solve the issue NO … that should tell you something