Need help until I get tuned

Hey guy’s. I’m waiting to get my car tuned from Dan (Happy240sx) I’ve noticed recently that I seem to be running lean @ idle and very rich @ part and WOT. When the car is @ idle I’m getting 14.50 - 15.50 (not bad) but when electric fan comes on it goes to 16+. I saw some very high knock levels on the trip to Niagra (if it’s accurate)

When cruising at part throttle I see an afr of 11-12.5 and stay there when @ WOT

I know I need a tune badly and I am going to do it soon. What I’m worried about is this just started to happen. I don’t know if it’s mechanical or a tuning problem. I notice some missing while @ cruising speeds also.

I know this is a shot in the dark, but I though if anyone had some ideas…

my setup:

redtop sr20
apexi PFC
gt2871r turbo
740cc detschwerks injectors (maybe the problem??)
walbro fuel pump (dying??)
z32 MAFS

I hope you are not waiting for me…I’m ready whenever you are dude.

As for your problem, I would check for loose chargepipes and/or melted vac lines.