Need help with hit and run cavalier

How it going guys, i know most of you dont know me but i would appreciate some help on this one. My car was just hit a few hours ago in the mighty taco parking lot on the corner of sheridan and delaware in tonawanda. The car was a light blue chevy cavalier which now has a missing headlight and a smashed in bumper the first three letters of the licence plate are DTV. This is the 6th time in the last 4 years that my car has been hit and i havent found one of the people who did it yet. Every time this happens i have to pay out of pocket and im sick of this happening. So if anyone happens to see a blue cavalier with a smashed in front end please let me know and try to get the plate number. I really apreciate any help you guys can give me. Thanks

Shitty to hear that you have such terrible luck with parking.

I will be on the lookout.

Good luck

tell me about it, i always try to park far away from other cars but it doesnt matter, tonight i was a full 3 rows away from the nearest car but somehow this genius still managed to hit me. Thanks for the help

as soon as i saw light blue…i was fucking PRAYING the words “shark hood neon” would follow…what a let down…

but shitty to hear…

Go to the DMV or local PD and tell the the car, color, and that potion of the plate #. This is a real easy fix if you ask me. If you have the information correct, getting a name and address are a piece of cake.

yeah i called the cops but its useless. This is the sixth time this has happened so i know the drill. After i told the cop my past experiences he flat out told me theres no way their going to catch them and just told me to take pictures and call my insurance company in the morning. But with a $500 deductable and higher premiums for 3 years whats the point

thats poop right there


yeah i called the cops but its useless. This is the sixth time this has happened so i know the drill. After i told the cop my past experiences he flat out told me theres no way their going to catch them and just told me to take pictures and call my insurance company in the morning. But with a $500 deductable and higher premiums for 3 years whats the point


Then go to a cop that you know, not matter what force he is in and have him do a quick search. If not then spend a small chunk of change and find a P.I. to do it. Most of them have access to DMV info. Whatever they charge will be less than $500.

It doesn’t seem like you should be paying a higher premium for a not-at-fault accident like that. :gotme:

I’ll keep my eyes open. I live near Sheridan/NFB and work at Sheridan/Military so I’m always cruising around the area. A ton of other people are in this area a lot too. A baby blue cavy with a smashed front end shouldn’t be that hard to find.

agreed, you have enough info to catch the little bastard. i’ll be on the lookout, good luck