need help with wired router.

i can browse any site on the internet i want except ebay.whys this?i have a linksys nr041,its old as dirt

xlogic knows all… and if he cant answer pm his father fshowcars.

what browser?
do you have ebay as a blocked site?

why do you suspect router? did you remove the router and plug directly in and see if it works?

yea when the dsl is directly into the comp it works fine.but not with the usin the weird thing i tried ebay on my ps3 through the router and it worked fine there just not on the comp.

your browser had to have blocked ebay, check your security settings

that cant be it cause it works fine when its directly pluged into the computer

I had that issue with RacePA for a while, eventually it started working again. have you rebooted your router yet?

yep did that twice.every site but ebay works.which sux cause thats like the only place i shop

Why do you have a router for home use? You NATing your home PC(s) or something? Seriously, WTF do you need a router for at home?

Routers are a pain in the ass, why not go buy a cheap hub and just use that?

If he used a hub, he would need to lease another IP address for his PS3, or only use one at a time because a hub doesn’t have any IP addressing abilities.

Just reset the router back to default, there is probably a setting in there that is blocking a certain port that eBay loads on the HTTP protocol. If all else fails call Linksys 1-800-326-7114

Yeah, I just figured he was using the router to wire them in different rooms or something. I wasn’t figuring he was using both at the same time.

Security settings? Did u check em?

called linksys.we tried everything port forwarding,different settings,etc.nothing worked they said buy a newer router lol

You can get a newer wired router for like $20 with rebates, sometimes cheaper.