Need Help!!

Well, i started on the Stang again today. I knew the stock towers were rusted out, but the frame as a crack in it too. The crack is on the drivers side and the passager side is a little better. Its rusted out too but doesn’t have the crack like on the driver side. I am thinking more and more about parting the car. I am going to get under the car tomorrow and look at the whole frame.

Part it or stick with it and fix it

Try to see the extent of damage and/or get an estimate for repairs then go from there…


if you wana get rid of it…

  1. call someone from the pennysaver to come get the car for scrap.
  2. How much did you pay for it? (think you’ll come close to making it back? if yes…part it. if no scrap it
  3. motor still good?

if you are finding that much rust now i would say car is not too safe to drive IMO i would take it as a learning experience and part the car out and scrap the rest. i bet you will come close to what you have in it easily if not make money off it still

I keep say to part the bitch out. But our father keeps saying to fix it and sell it. Which is dick to who ever buys it. Frankly Im ready to cut the bitch in half and tell him ok fix that then.

Target practice FTW. I’ll sell you a Beretta.

how much shit are you seriously going to be able to part off a rusted to hell and back 4cyl fox?.

cut your losses and scrap it

What did you pay for it?

You may be able to make that back in with the scrap steel

400 bucks

I think steel is running at $0.15 per pound right now or something like that.