Need some help

:rofl:thumbup glad you think you know. i had my motor installed and a clutch done elsewhere and had adam go through it after there was oiling issues… otherwise all parts installed on that car was done by me. all fluid changes done by me.
the cars OEM motor popped from #1 a shitty tune, and was contributed to by previous oiling defficiency damage and the fact that car really didnt like 160+mph @ 7k in 6th for extended periods of time…i cant even begin to imagine EGT’s lol. the 2nd built motor never popped. matter of fact its still running and being used in a dune buggy in virginia. (motor was sold to a friends brother on the cheap) having a power steering line rupture can happen to any one of you (and i DO hope it happens to you stallmer) just so you can see how it feels to watch thousands upon thousands of dollars burn up in front of your eyes. not to mention leaving you “stranded” an hour from home. i wont buy another subaru because of the shitty design. i didnt know the car even was supposed to have heatshielding there until adam said something about it post fire. the car never had any from the day i picked it up. thats all water under the bridge though… 2 yrs ago now… i have PLENTY of knowledge about OP’s car and its his choice should he decide to take it or not. noone’s holding a gun to his head.