Need some sincere advice

It’s all good. We’re all entitled to our opinions. I appreciate the fact that you guys are actually civil about it unlike the fools on who are a bunch of judgmental pricks.


Perhaps. But I still don’t see how it would be any different. It all depends on how you were raised/where you came from. I’m a pretty devout Christian, even if my dick had been wet before, it’s still considered f’ed up to bang everything possible or trying to bang everything possible (how I was raised). I wouldn’t do it regardless. For other people, they don’t see it as a big issue. That’s fine. To each his own.

The temptation is definitely there. It sucks. But the will power to not act on it is there as well. Russian/Ukrainian girls are VERY attractive (especially the ones that grew up here or are otherwise Americanized). Sometimes, it’s down right torture. It’s a tough test to pass lol.

Either way, I know how some of you guys feel though. Girls are a pain in the ass a lot of the time. I’ve been through the mental/emotional side of it. It can be a nightmare if you get involved with the idiot ones.

Well I’m not saying bang every girl out there…

But time and time again girls are just as bad as us guys… If they want dick they will get it one way or another… weather they are the loose slut of the town or the quiet nerdy goody good whos only had sex a couple times. They know how to manipulate and throw off vague signs that we pick up on weather we realize it or not.

What im trying to say is, weather or not youve had sex once or are a manwhore… When a girl is throw signals out there its hard to resist. Sometimes they dont mean to throw signals because they want to be faithful etc… but a lot of girls are just like us guys… Even if we don’t intend on doing anything with another person, we still like to play the game and know that we can get a chick to hop on your dicks at the drop of a hat

Blahblahblah. All girls are whacked out of their minds and all guys are selfish backstabbing pricks.

Bitch make me a sammich!

As much as we rag on one another

Pretty much both sexes are whacked, selfish douchebags…

Guys and girls don’t understand each other, because even when a couple tries to communicate they are on two totally different levels. The girl sounds crazy because there is no logic behind what the hell she is saying half the time, and is entirely incapable of relaying her thoughts into a coherent message that the man can understand and interpret correctly.

Yeah I know what ya mean. I’ve been to that point, just didn’t take the final step. Sometimes I think back and regret it lol.

Yep. That’s what I always say when girls try to play it off as if guys are the only ones who wreck/ruin relationships. Girls are just as guilty. And the crappy thing is, they get half (if they were married). That’s the messed up thing about it. I don’t even understand the premise behind that. It’s 2009. Women work now as well. Have her work for all her own crap.


Seriously. It’s because of men that a woman is a fucking spaz, and vice versa.
The best advice I can give in a relationship, just talk like two normal human beings.
Jesus. If a chick could learn to turn off the crazy and a guy could learn to actually talk about things miracles would happen.

Again. lol.

I agree with the chick crazy/emotional part but I don’t think the guy talking part is very accurate. Many of us actual speak and make sense, women are just to emotional to realize it, etc. Some of us have no issues with communication. Women just, like you said, have an issue with comprehension sometimes. No matter what you (guys) say, it’s usually wrong. lol.

Thats why prenumps were invented

It works both ways man.
A girl might try to be sincere, but she already set up a standard for herself that anything she said is illogical and crazy, so she won’t be taken seriously.
A guy might actually try to get something off his chest, but the girl will just miss the point completely and deliberate over every minute detail over and over.

Believe it or not though, there is both guys and girls who aren’t like the norm and are actually easy to deal with. Rare finds though.

I’m not saying there are no exceptions, but that’s the rule.
Rules are what you live your life by. Exceptions are only an unexpected surprise.

a) you’re a moron for trying to trust HIM.

b) you’re a moron for trying to trust HER.

c) you’re a moron for reading that conversation and still having second thoughts about what you should do.

seriously. i am not fucking around here. I hope it works out for you.


id like to think my advice was pretty to the point, honest, and no disrespect.

if anyones ass should be kicked, it should be hers. right i the baby maker! haha

What’s that move called? Donkey punch? Rocket punch? Somethin like that.

Falcon punch?

clitoris punch?

yo no joke if u know some of these girls introduce me man i’ll do the rest from there, u could be like the best wingman in fucking history bro…

(no really im not joking, russan and ukrainian girls are startin to get me excited just thinking about it)

great post ! u cant blame them crazy fuckin bitches but its the way it works, the whole issue IMO is guys get so bent out of shape over this whole shit cuz its a fact girl can go get dick way easier than dick can go get girl, but in the end its the same issue on both sides

all girls are liars and all these dudes are lame who try to make it work with oneitis