Need some sincere advice


I was gonna throw that line somewhere in my post(s) but didn’t know if you people would catch on it. You’d probably think that’s what I actually thought. :rofl

That is what you actually think.

Idk know how people can not know what boobs feel like. If you a virgin the closest thing to a boob is an ass cheek

Just cause I haven’t done the entire deed doesn’t mean I haven’t done everything else :ninja (don’t tell my pastor please lol)

Look Ron, just 'cause you’z a ho…

And Ilya, I’m telling your mommy. :tongue


just curious is this lowes in latham your talking about…

Z28343543lt23gofastflything is the other dude.

Beat his ass

:wtf who are you talking about…

Nooooo. Queensbury

well that explains it right there.

Your dealing with some real winners up that way

they’re all the same.

oh my ,you and pjb nead to hang out

why’s that? Im not homogay and I dont think he is either

cause niether of you have sealed the deal

I dont know who told you that but its not true.

It doesn’t bother me as much as it bothers you guys. Weird.

I don’t get it. Why is waiting so frowned down upon? To each his own. I think it’s retarded (these posts frowning down on it). Ya’ll can relax with such posts.

was jokin kid dont worry bout it …but when it is time to seal the deal dont go in loaded rub one out first :thumbup

She’ll most likely be my wife. If that is the case…I’m going in guns a blazin son.
