Need some technical help with drag racing...

Someone I know is having a lot of diffculty with his drag times and i’m trying to help him out. I’ll post all his specs and it would be awesome if you guys could throw out some postive input as to what he needs.

The car:

2002 Ford Mustang GT
4.6 V8
Vortech S/C
MT Drag Radials
NOT Dyno Tuned

His runs are as follows: (for some reason his 60’ (s) are really high)

60’ 2.8
ET 14.3
TRAP 107

60’ 2.3
ET 13.6
TRAP 108

His best run was a 13.4 and his best trap was a 113.

Personally I think he should be mid/high 12’s but he doing something wrong. I just don’t know what. He says he slipping a lot in the begging but he heats his tires and dosent drop the clutch.

My guess is that maybe his clutch is shot?

Need help…

I would say hes still spinning. With that kinda trap and 60’, thats what it points to. Or his clutch is junk.

with good traction that trap indicates the power to go 12.2 or so… traction limited… get some sticky meats out back and dont launch it like a pussy and he’ll do fine.

With those inconsistent 60ft’s and ET’s and nearly exact same traps, the difference needs to come from the launch and 1-2 shifts, I’d say.

EDIT: You’ve already realized that :lol . Is he waiting until his tires can handle it before he goes WOT in 1st? And is he dumping the clutch on the 1-2 shifts? I changed my 1-2 shift approach (slip it a tiny bit rather than bang it into 2nd) and dropped ~.2 off of my ET, I can only imagine how much more he’d be spinning 1-2 than I was 1-2, so a few tenths could definitely be found there :thumb

Whats the air pressure in the tires? If its too high or too low theyll spin. Mine like to be at about 15-18 psi.

more seat time!!

agreed, and weight transition work, address suspension.

Isn’t this the guy you had a huge sissy fight with over AIM about your VR-4 and his S/C’ed GT?

Italia9464: I think you still have a sore spot from losing to me at the track last summer after dumping thousands in your car only to lose to mine which happens to be stock
hottstang2003: dude if that what you think… you had alot more exsperience then me
hottstang2003: your a fucking joke
Italia9464: well that says a lot for you then dosen’t it, you got beat by me, who happens to be a fuckin joke
hottstang2003: whatever
hottstang2003: i i went down there to see what my car had not to race you…but if that what you think…
Italia9464: your lying to yourself if your saying you went to the track and wasn’t hoping to beat me
hottstang2003: think what you want
hottstang2003: that night i could have cared less
hottstang2003: and by the way you KNOW my car will kill your on the street any day !!!
Italia9464: how is the street diff from the track?
hottstang2003: now i know you no that answer dume to ask
Italia9464: no i don’t…if you know anything about racing you would know that at the track YOUR car gets better traction than on the streets, the track is set up for traction, and from a dig on the track i killed you, which means from a dig on the streets i would kill you, and if your talking about a highway run, yes you would win, but thats not racing, thats being stupid
Italia9464: and if I put as much money into my car as you have, you would cry at how bad you would lose, highway or no highway
hottstang2003: not with LOW pro tires
Italia9464: so your going to drive around town with slicks?
hottstang2003: there the wrong kind of traction, they cant grab.
hottstang2003: i will spank you off the line not high way
Italia9464: you siad the same thing when your car was stock, and then when you put your $ into it, you still didnt spank me off the line, how the fuck do you think your rear wheel drive dyno queen can take an AWD car off the line, you must be fuckin retarded
hottstang2003: in the summer i think you need to put your money were your big mouth is…
hottstang2003: !!!
Italia9464: bro we already raced? and you lost by a fuckin lot
hottstang2003: im not talking the track…
hottstang2003: and im not your bro
Italia9464: no shit, i still want to know how you think your going to get better traction on the street than at the track?
hottstang2003: youll find out
hottstang2003: see now the truth comes out you dont want to be firends with someone who BETTER then you!!! i got it
Italia9464: how in the hell are you better than me dipfuck? you drive a POS mustang that was slow as hell, then you make it to fast and dont get any supporting mods, not to mention you can’t drive, and you have officially lost to me, what else is there?
hottstang2003: see im right keep telling your self im better then you and youll be ok…
hottstang2003: and i never raced you i raced the clock so get over i lost to you
Italia9464: im laughing right now becuase your like a little highschool kid when it comes to the things you say, and its one in the same, you ran a 13.9 BEST, I ran a 13.6 which isn’t like a kill I would go bragging about which I haven’t, but what makes me happy is that my car was STOCK and you dumped a shitload into yours and then lost after bragging to me when it was stock that it was better and faster than mine, you just cant accept that I am always one step ahead of you
hottstang2003: one step a head of me…
hottstang2003: thats so funny
hottstang2003: so if your so much better then me lets line them up, put your money were your mouth is… other wise shut up
Italia9464: first off you started this whole thing, and secondly, we race at the track, where its official and I don’t have to worry about your dumbass going sideways and taking me out or getting a ticket just to race you, ill race you any day at the track but not on the streets, i don’t do that anymore and if you don;t want to beleive me you can ask anyone of my friends and they will tell you the same thing, oh, and if you throw a fit about not wanting to race at the track, its only becuase there will be witnesses to you losing and you won’t be able to come up with excuses
hottstang2003: your such a pussy
Italia9464: to tell you the truth I think the same thing about you bro…race at the track where the real cars race, not on the streets with all of the fuckin rice, but then again that makes sense becuase on the street you can feel like you have the fastest cars becuase all your racing is fuckin rice, but at the track you have to actually race real cars
hottstang2003: dude… i have to say one thing… all onisty i could care less about you and your car… i only wanted to try to fuck our differences and be friends again… but you cant do that or what ever… dude ill tell you right to your face i dont put this much thought ever into you and your car i just dont give a fuck… so believe me when i say lets drop it because i just dont care…
Italia9464: so all of that arguing you just did was becuase you dont care?
hottstang2003: yup to piss you off, and see what you would say
hottstang2003: but yupp dont care, i love pissing you off
Italia9464: haha if you think that im pissed your the retard, more like wishful thinking, im just defending all the bullshit your mouth has been throwing around
hottstang2003: dude your so funny
hottstang2003: and if you call me a retard again, im going to slit your fucking tires’
Italia9464: well im glad I have that typed out and saved on my computer so even if my tires get slit and it wasn’t you, I can bring this to court
Italia9464: and thats a man thing to do by the way
Italia9464: ooo im going to slit your tires
hottstang2003: ok take it to court call the cops now, whos 11
hottstang2003: dont call me a retard
hottstang2003: you fag
Italia9464: You bring on yourself

:confused :umm

Yes it is the same guy. But we got over whatever our issue was so that no longer applies.

But yea I think he needs more time in the seat and he needs to just learn how to drive better.

Why isnt Adam all over this?

LOL. Yea, his driving skills lack and it’s more than 60’.

Wow, just saw this.

  1. A dyno tune on that car wuold net big gains
  2. There are guys with his setup running 11.6-11.9 on good tire
  3. Invest in traction devices(UPR upper&lower control arms…cheap)
  4. More seat time/ let me drive ;D

He should be 60’ing at LEAST a 1.7 on good tire. Even on stock suspension he should be able to cut 1.6X’s. A 2.3+ id fuckin HORRID!!!

1.6’s all day long with that setup tuned on slicks. My FWD piece of shit does 2.2s with $20 street tires…

So we have narrowed it down to seat time and traction.

dyno tune as well

See above post for ET redemption…

haha @ joey posting some bullshit to start some more bullshit

get some videos of him on here doin the 1/4 :nod

+1 on the vids. That will help alot!

I am not sure if he has any videos. If he dosen’t ill be sure to get some this upcoming season.