Neighbor issue with his fence.

My father is in the same situation. Except the owner doesn’t live in the house and refuses to do anything about it. Good luck. Cheektowaga inspector doesn’t want to get involved except to cite my father for a wood pile when he was the one to call. Bunch of ass bags in that town.

Buy a new house where you can’t spit on your neighbors house from yours.

Not much else you can do, yes a sign would be fun but just cost you money you could have spent towards fixing.

dealing with a child might have to take a lost pay for it yourself

if you can get something in the backyard (or get a bunch of friends over) push it over with a truck/atv/lawnmower and dig a hole and add concrete for a single post to keep it from leaning. stain or paint to match. It will look less than awesome but a whole lot better than what you have now

Get your hands on a post digger, 2 4x4’s and a case of craft beer. remove 2 posts from the fence. Dig a new hole and nail the original fencing back to the new 4x4’s Will probably take you a couple hours, but the headache and danger will be gone for hopefully years.

Assuming the fence is located directly on the property line, if it is leaning the inspector should have called for it to be made plumb. However sturdy it may be, they would never accept this as a new installation because it overhangs the property line.

I vote for a gallon of 89 and a match…but that’s just me.