Neighborhood watch leader shoots FL teen

Zimmerman saw something sketchy happen.

He called the police.

The second he attempted a confrontation he put on his big boy pants. EXCEPT his big boy pants contained a fucking gun. If you want to be a tough guy…especially after POSSIBLE racial profiling, then be a tough guy.

Go rag doll the 17 yr old or go get your face punched in. THATS the decision he should have made.

The second you pull out a gun based on actions YOU MADE, you are a bitch pussy gun wielding fagget tough guy small penis wearing passive aggressive bully cop wannabe.

If the 17yr old came up to him while he was in his car calling the police and started shit…then I’m open to the use of excessive force. BUT “Z” went looking for a fight in which he planned to fight unfairly. Pussy.