Neighborhood watch leader shoots FL teen

Good work by the Jurors.

While I’m happy with the outcome, still sucks someone had to die.
I doubt there will be any real rioting, just a lot of ignorance from both sides.

kill’m all

The start of the great African American v Hispanic American war…

I never looked at it like that Vlad , but the whites will still get blamed lol

Exactly… this was always seen as a white on black crime even though Zim was not white.

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Who says?

It was definitely not the whites that adopted him as one of “their own”, as even if there is a hint of you being not white, you’re already not white, and he’s definitely not white.

Blacks don’t come out and call him white either unless I’m missing something here.

And the news is just lost regardless of who’s white/non white and who’s black.

So who is seeing it as white on black other than ignorant people who don’t even know the first thing about the case?

I don’t really care who’s what color. Still don’t think this guy should have shot this kid. Could have taught him a lesson with a bat or a club or anything else.

Yeah, cause he’ll just abra cadabra a bat/club out of thin air. Only thing he had was a gun. When he had to act to preserve his life (natural instinct), that’s the ONLY tool he had.

That just silly, that implies that the alleged attacker had NO tools at all…

Just bothers me that it always goes back to the fucking race card.

Im ok with black/hispanic war. Look at the bright side, when they all kill each other taxes will go down because the amount of people on welfare will drop dramatically and a lot of jobs (mostly landscaping) will open up. Win, win.

Yeah that was a bit racist I know. Yet not so far from the truth LOL

It seems Barrack Obama’s son was justifiably killed…Wonder what he’s got to say now?!?

Hes already said hes going to file something against the court to have the case looked at again. As is the NAACP, etc etc etc etc. so, pretty much they are fighting for the verdict to be over turned now because the outcome wasnt in the martin familys favor.

It’s scary how many people are scared to catch a beating.

It’s even scarier how many of those people own and carry weapons.

IT’S EVEN SCARIERIER to think how many of these pussy bitch gun carrying faggets would use deadly force…just so they don’t get beat up.

I agree a gun wasn’t needed per say, it’s sad he couldn’t hold his own against a 17 yr old kid at his age

funny but true. if my family is involved in ANY way all bets are off. I know a guy who got his ass kicked by 2 guys at the same time and never pulled his gun out for the simple fact that they weren’t armed.

If he had known that he would walk away with just a beating then maybe things would have been different… but he had no way of knowing Trayvon’s intentions. And when you are laying on the ground choking on your own blood, are essentially blind from a broken nose, and are allegedly (we know no different) being told that ‘you are going to die tonight motherfucker’; I think it’s pretty safe to assume that your life is in danger. So he did what he needed to do to protect his life.

I’m sick and tired of everyone (media) referring to Trayvon as a kid. He was a 17 year old young adult that was larger than Zim, outweighed him, was a football player (athletic), and a known drug dealer who had already been in trouble multiple times for fighting… he was no kid and I think it’s pretty safe to say that it was by no means a fair fight. By not firing multiple shots, it just goes to show that he wasn’t out to kill, he was out to try to stop Trayvon from killing him. And when you are blind and choking on your own blood, good luck aiming. He did not shoot Trayvon, he shot AT Trayvon. It just happened to be a deadly shot.

If Zimmermann din’t shoot Travon and continued to take a beating, we would see Travon charged with felony assault, as an adult. Since it went the other way around, the media acted like Travon was an innocent child and played the race card.

Zimmerman saw something sketchy happen.

He called the police.

The second he attempted a confrontation he put on his big boy pants. EXCEPT his big boy pants contained a fucking gun. If you want to be a tough guy…especially after POSSIBLE racial profiling, then be a tough guy.

Go rag doll the 17 yr old or go get your face punched in. THATS the decision he should have made.

The second you pull out a gun based on actions YOU MADE, you are a bitch pussy gun wielding fagget tough guy small penis wearing passive aggressive bully cop wannabe.

If the 17yr old came up to him while he was in his car calling the police and started shit…then I’m open to the use of excessive force. BUT “Z” went looking for a fight in which he planned to fight unfairly. Pussy.