Neighborhood watch leader shoots FL teen

The “other” reports say that he was returning to his car and Treyvon circled back and confronted him near his vehicle. Nobody knows exactly what happened to cause the confrontation, but the way he said things like “He ran” (past tense) tells me that he no longer had him in sight. Also, how can you meet with a responding officer at your vehicle if you aren’t at it? He would have to have been returning to his car to meet the officer.

and I swear I recall a clip being played of hearing Trayvon screaming before the gun shot went off.

Again, according to some reports, the voice heard screaming was Zimmerman’s and not Treyvon’s. But once again, nobody knows for sure.

The kid did not deserve to die, he should not have used his gun, maybe I’m wrong and maybe zimmerman was getting his ass kicked, but from what I’ve heard and read… I think it was excessive.

I agree that Treyvon didn’t need to die, but if the reports about Treyvon attacking Zimmerman / slamming his head against the pavement were true then Zimmerman would have no way of knowing what Treyvon’s intentions were. Was Treyvon just trying to knock him out? Would he pursue further and continue beating him after Zimmerman was unconscious? Once Zimmerman was unconscious would Treyvon go for his weapon and kill him? There is no way Zimmerman could know and therefore I personally believe that it was reasonable to believe his life was in imminent danger… and therefore deadly force could have been the only option.