Neil or kordell

my point… neil was more likey not to lose a game but less likely to able to win you a game. if neil didn;t have a great defense, steallar o-line and very good rb’s he would have seriously struggled. Neil was the jim mcmahon of the 85 bears…the weakest link. had the bears had a better QB that team may win 3 SB’s instead of just the won. same can be said with the steelers, Say maybe they had a Jim kelly, a warren moon…they win. Had Marino decided to leave miami like the steelers hoped in the early 90’s …they fucken destroy who ever they play.

I somewhat see your point, but in the end neil>Kordell…Kordell would find a way to lose you games. Kordell should have stuck with his roll as “slash” He was not an NFL QB by all means. And for a side not he loved a hot mancock in his mouth

i dont think there is any question we’dve been alot better with the guys youre naming, thats why they are considered some of the greats and neil or kordell are not…so thats besides the point. kordell had the ability to blow a game open, no doubt, but it was his running threat that would do it, or ateast make defenses respect his ability to doo so. but neil was more consistant and while he might not be a big-play type guy, hes a safer bet. i realize that he was less likey to lose a game, but i wouldnt say he was less likely to win it either. if you need a drive late in the 4th to win it, i’d take neil over stewart all day long. so that kinda equals out that whole point in my eyes.

kordell was his own worst enemy. he wanted to be a pocket passer.

if we are talking over a course of a season, logically neil is more stable. but if its one game… i want kordell. its just gonna keep the defense honest and open up the running game. Plus like said, he can break a play with is feet. It would have been interesting to see some plays with kordell, heinz and randle el on the field at the same time. the posibilities are endless.

Lets not dream about the past…lets look to the future…Palko needs to have a Steelers Jersey next year…Palko>Ben

if palko could get protection, i think he’d be a decent QB. he’s a lil short but guys have definetly proven it not to be an issue in the NFL. he has better arm strength than ben when throwin the deep ball. palko is one tough motherfucker, he would need to learn to control his emotions more in the NFL thou. I think he would be a great late round addition to the steelers. lets face it, batch won’t play forever and ben may have took a few years off his playing career last season. its time to draft another QB.

if palko was on OSU last night, they wouldve had a beter chance…lol. Smith was ass under pressure, Palko was under fire like that all year and had the best qb rating for much of the year (and still ended up top5).

…and noone say that palko didnt play a D like Florida, cause i realize that.

hey its not like the big east wasn’t stacked this year. 4-0 in bowls. Palko still proved a lot to me even with out the offensive minded walt harris the last two seasons.

rutherford was a good qb but when he got to the next level his athletic ability just wasn’t enough to make up for his lack of intelligence like mike vick, palko is smart enough to succed in the NFL

def agree on that. big rod was sick for PITT and didnt get enough credit but Palko has what it takes in my opinion and hes the big sleeper in the draft. his biggest downfall is that he forces plays, but thats something that can be kept in check with experience and coaching in the NFL, in my opinion.

kordell made the pro bowl twice, and led us the afc championsip game twice also. the two years where he had the same offensive coordinator as the year before, he made the pro bowl, and the afc championship game. he was a good qb, he just caught all the flack for not winning it all. neil was accurate, had a great head, completion %, etc, but he wasn’t kordell. if kordell got to play in the offense now, he would be beast. he had to throw to yancey thigpen and charles johnson, ben got hines, santonio, and heath. kordell never had a tight end.

I agree…about what I put in bold I do agree, but if watched/listened the games this year it seemed he got that decently in check this season. He didnt throw too many picks at all. I agree he is a big time sleeper…I just hope he goes to a team he could end up starting, it would be a shame if he eneded up backing up most of his career

ya, but look what hapened when they left pittsburgh, neil was still solid in tenn. sure he wasnt the starter but he still played well when he got the chance. Stewart was horrid in Chi and Balti. he was very, very innaccurate. Yanci made the Probowl once and was solid, as was Cj, so thats not an issue either. Ben has nothing to do with this.

kordell was throwin to bobby shaw, a young heinz, young plax, courtney hawkins, troy edwards… cj was gone before kordell got there. the recievers the year of the SB were thigpen mills hastings holliday. thigpen was a probowl reciever in his prime. i don’t think the reciever have anything to do with it… kordell has a crappy line compared to neil’s john jackson, dermonti, brendan stai, leon searcy, by the time kordel got some of them, they were on the decline


for 1 game, 5 games, or an entire career

running qb’s are for the college boys, not an nfl team.