Neon Driver Charged - You know him! With Pic

I agree Kevin. I understand some people are freinds with him and wanna protect him but the fact is street racing is illegal and he had a pending case which should have really made him think twice but obviously he hasn’t learned from it and now this happened. Not saying i agree with manslaughter charges however its a crappy situation and they are going to throw the book at you.

At the time of the crash, Mejak had a pending case in the Town of Lancaster for a previous charge of unlawful speed contest. He had been given a one-year adjournment in contemplation of dismissal in September, meaning that the charge would be dismissed if he stayed out of trouble for one year.
That adjournment has been revoked, and that case now will be reopened, Clark stated.

He got off easy the first time, could have learned from it and stayed out of trouble. Alot of people street race, some get caught, some don’t. Bottom line is its illegal and dangerous, this is definately a worst case senario