networking question... 360 related

thanks guys… I’ll give it a try tonight. If I can’t get it working, I’ll post back with the results

couldn’t get it working.

I turned off DHCP and ended up fucking my router up. It told via LIVE that another device was using the same IP address? After that it wouldn’t see anything on the network.

Reset it and got everything back up and running and now just switching the cable when I need it.

maybe I’d be better off just getting the wireless adaptor

just get a cheap router steve, lol

lol I think that’s my problem (I’ve never heard of this brand before)

it was called a “switch router” though… so it should operate as both right?

if ya cant tell, I know jack and shit about networking

a plain old switch would make your life ridiculously easy. A 4 year old could set it up using a switch.


Everyone is assuming you do based on the OP but I still have doubts. It really sounds like you only have one out port coming out of the Westelcom DSL device, which means it IS NOT A ROUTER. It’s just a modem, just like the roadrunner cable modems all us cable guys have.

If that’s the case it’s assigning one IP address to what ever device you plug it into, and that IP is accessible to the outside world (something like That’s why a splitter won’t work, because you only have that one IP address to work with.

If you plug that one cable coming out of your modem into a router the router will then take that web facing IP address. Any device you plug into the router would then get it’s own internal IP, probably Assuming the router has DHCP it would assign each new device added a new internal IP. A lot of them default to start at .100 so the first device you connect would get, the next device would get etc etc.

You cannot see these 192 addresses from the outside world. That’s where port fowarding comes in on the router. At home for example I have a server I keep on 24/7/365 that I like to access via remote desktop from work. In the router I have it set to forward any requests that come in on the remote desktop ports to (or what ever the local IP of my server is). That way, when I’m at work, I can put in the web facing IP that TimeWarner has assigned to my router and the router is smart enough to know to send those requests through to the server. This paragraph isn’t really needed for what you’re doing, but it helps explain exactly how this is all working.

Start by getting your computer working online going through the router. Once that’s working plug the xbox into the router and it should all work automatically.

A lot of verizon modems are coming with built in routers now. It probably cuts down big time on the amount of “help me set up my linksys” calls they get.

If his verizon modem had a build in router he wouldn’t need to be taking the cable out of his computer and plugging it into the xbox now would he? He’d already have multiple ports to plug into.

bad way to tell. i have a router right here that has a cable interface on the outside and a rj45 jack on the inside. the box has a built in router and does route/nat/firewall/wireless.

i also have a dsl modem at a customers that is purely a modem/transciver as it just takes the dsl signal and converts it to the rj45. no nat or anything.

if port forwarding doesn’t work set your 360 as the dmz. i tried the port fowarding and it still wouldn’t let me connect to some people. set it as the dmz and it work flawlessy now.

well thats the thing, it is a router (has wireless and 4 hard line ports)

the problem is that it’s on the other side of the house and I only have 1 line long enough to stretch to where the computer and 360 is.

that’s why I essentially wanted to split that line.

I’m leaving to go home now, but Ill read through your directions when I get home and take another crack at it.

thanks guys :tup:

im sure someone on here can get you another line long enough for you to connect your 360 up

Ok, I retract all my previous posts, it’s a router. :lol:

Go pick up a cheap switch and call it a day.

lol it’s all good.

I appreciate the help guys

or go spend the 15 bucks and get a long cable.

yeah, I might just do that.

BTW, Kevin… you’d appreciate this.

I was in radio shack picking up an audio adaptor for the 360 and the guy asked why I needed it. I told him because I purchased the VGA cable for the 360 and needed to plug the audio into a phono jack. He then told me I should of bought a ps3 blah blah blah because it’s so much better :cjerk:

then proceeded to try and sell me a MONSTER DVI cable for it :lol: I thought of nyspeed as soon as he said it. I tried to keep a straight face walking out

lol good ol radio shack.

i want to buy a 30 cent transistor…

can i have your phone number, address, SS#, grandparents address, cell phone…

lol idiots in that place.

You forgot urine sample.

exactly, this is the RIGHT way to accomplish what you want to do.

no the easiest thing for him to do is get a cable
