Never talk to the police

Don’t take my word for it…


holy long, im only 1/4 way through… good so far though.

i did a presentation in my public speaking class about how to act when getting pulled over.

yeah turn on dome light, be nice place your hands in full view and tell them exactly what your doing and be honest. Then if they act like a dick, run them over. It’s gonna end up in court anyway :bigok:

I also put all the windows down. I did that when I turned left on red in Sq. Hill and was pulled over by 2 bicycle cops…it may have helped, I got off with a warning.

The video was really long, but very good.

The video wouldn’t load for me, Then again i didn’t try to save as either.
also the Itunes thing wouldn’t work.

But anyway. Every bit helps. I got away with alot of bullshit for being honest. If not run, pretend your a hardcore felon. I hear suicide by cop is the cool thing to do :kekegay:

good video

It wouldn’t work in Firefox for me, only IE.

Ah ok, thanks for the heads up. I’ll check it out tomorrow.

unheard of, firefox is the best browser evar :smiley:

cool video

weeds out the tardo links :embarassd

firefox worked for me




veryyy intresting. thanks.

definitely a good watch. thanks

haha , thats great

weird, doesn’t seem to work for me either.

tried to save it also, but I get “windows media player cannot play this file, blah blah blah” :stuck_out_tongue:

I probably need a codec
