New Banner

Hey guys nice new banner. looks realy good. thank you very much.

yes I like it too, fuck Ontario and the mandatory to have front license plates, that car would look much nicer without it

i agree, we started with outt one, got a few tickets. so we figured we had better put it one.
you have no idea how hard it was to put holes in that bumper!

Looking good boys

i think i got 6 or 7 tickets for no front plate when my s14 was a street car

they could never get me to drill holes on no genuine gp sports though

one time i got 2 tickets within 1hour in peel and toronto

lol good job sasha, and you guys know what the worst part is, I drive by some business everyday, theres a brand new M5 parked with no front license, you think you got any tickets? I doubt it.
This applies to other high end cars, its BS

i got 3 license plate tickets in 3 hours on the way to the F1GP in montreal last year, and others prior to that… then another one last month… it’s fun.

nice banner, nice car, need baller wheels though

*edit… buy pccw’s Gramlights

haha i dont understand why you dont just run the front plate…

it saves so much time and effort.

2 zipties holds any plate virtually anywhere on the front of the car.

mikeness and i have been creative with our plate mounting in the past and its never looked out of place or ugly.


those our are track wheels. we run Volk GTC’s on the street.