This was NA, no power adder. My “cam only” same setup, stock unported heads. American racing 1 7/8th headers, fast 92/92, 85mm maf tune New Era, SLP lid w ram air ducts, 6 speed, streetsweeper cam form NewEra. I took the passenger seat out, carpet, conscel and catback/Ypipe. It didn’t drop that much weight I have good light stuff anyway, my carpet is light #12 passenger seat is like 22#. Catback and Ypipe not sure. Had more gas then I would have liked just under 1/2. I was hoping to be lighter but it was just under 3K without me @ 2980 for a 3160 race weight. Da was good but nothing crazy
1st pass I think I missed a gear, but then got in the zone and ripped these off.
raised the shiftlight gained nothing MPH, stock heads, and fast intake limit rpms. peak power is around 6200 I belive with this cam. But raised the 2step a bit and ripped off better 60’s but missed 3rd the last 3-4 passes in a row
1.43 and is movin should be a 10.65
I think I’m #9 or #10 now on the LS1/LS6 cam only list