New color: N*gger Brown


A comedian playing off of stereotypes for a comedy act is totally different from a comedian that loses his cool and goes off the deep end.

Richard Prior and Chris Rock’s cracka references as well as some of the other comedians (white, can’t remember) who crack on hip hop, the “N” word, etc. etc. is comedy. People connect with that because they can say “Hey, I know somebody just like that” or “That reminds me of my friend/acquaintance”.

Kramer blowing his top was not comedy. Nobody connected.

Big difference.


You are with out a doubt 100% wrong. Racial slurs are racial slurs. No matter what the context a racial slur is a racial slur. White comedian, black comedian, chinese, arab, doesnt matter, material or not, you use a racial slur in your performace still a racial slur. BUT it is more accepted if a minority uses it against a non minority then if a non minority uses it against a minority. Period.

And to answer your comment about a comedian losing his/ her cool, a black comedian losing his cool on some white guys sitting in the crowd and calling them “look at the crackers, heys its a bunch of crackers” will not get in trouble. In fact most of the crowd will laugh at the white people in the crowd and the routine will continue. How do I know this? When I was at the comedy club in Canada there was a black comedian that was drunk and was getting hasseled and mocked by some white guy, the black comedian kept saying cracker this and cracker that and basically used the racial slurs against the white guy the whole time. I never woke up and so him on the Today show or Oprah apologizing for loosing his cool.:roll2: