New color: N*gger Brown

Rx3- how do I know he didnt get in trouble two months later I went back to the same club and the same comedian was doing the same routine. But no one was heckling him. Could not have got in much trouble.

So your point about how a racial slur is used determines how much heat you get? So if I was to call you a racial slur to your face or made a racial slur about you in a joke you would get more pissed at one then the other? No matter what context it is put in it shouldnt be said. Not by a rapper, not by the KKK not by some printer in county making tags for a couch. A racial slur is a racial slur, no matter what content and how much heat they get about it.

I love when I call you out and you make dumb statements like “what planet are you from?” :bloated: