New Driving Laws for Our Shit Hole Province

lol Peter you’re retarded.

About the laws though, I don’t really think it needs to be changed, the demerit points system combined with insurance rates worked for me.

When I was 18, had my g2, I ended up getting pulled over for doing 197 in an 80 which was an automatic summons to court. I told them I was running late ( I was) and they dropped it to 125 in an 80 which was still 4 points and however many dollars ticket. About a week after that ticket but before the court date I was stopped for doing 142 on the 401 another 4 points ( I got lucky and the officer forgot to file the ticket so I got off)

Then later that year I got a ticket for unsafe turn, for a little stunt I pulled which was another 2 demerit points.

That brought me to 6 demerit points on my G2. I’ve had to pay ridiculous insurance since then and that in itself is motivation to obey the laws more than prior to the tickets. When I got my 300ZX I knew my insurance would go up anyways but my record didn’t help the matter. I was paying 421 dollars a month (over 5000 a year for those with calculators) for insurance on my 300ZX last year. It takes 2 years for tickets to come off your driving record but 3 years for insurance to let you off. It was 3 years in Febuary for one of my tickets and my insurance dropped about 1500 a year. My other 2 demerit point ticket will be 3 years this month.

I’m now 22 with a G licence and will have a clean record this month. My point being the old system still works, the cost of getting insurance with a bad record can sway your driving habbits. I don’t think it’s necessary to be even more strict on it as it does work.

I can also see how it’s unfair that I could be caught doing 10 over and let off, while someone under the age of 20 would have a suspension.