New Driving Laws for Our Shit Hole Province

lol Peter you’re retarded.

About the laws though, I don’t really think it needs to be changed, the demerit points system combined with insurance rates worked for me.

When I was 18, had my g2, I ended up getting pulled over for doing 197 in an 80 which was an automatic summons to court. I told them I was running late ( I was) and they dropped it to 125 in an 80 which was still 4 points and however many dollars ticket. About a week after that ticket but before the court date I was stopped for doing 142 on the 401 another 4 points ( I got lucky and the officer forgot to file the ticket so I got off)

Then later that year I got a ticket for unsafe turn, for a little stunt I pulled which was another 2 demerit points.

That brought me to 6 demerit points on my G2. I’ve had to pay ridiculous insurance since then and that in itself is motivation to obey the laws more than prior to the tickets. When I got my 300ZX I knew my insurance would go up anyways but my record didn’t help the matter. I was paying 421 dollars a month (over 5000 a year for those with calculators) for insurance on my 300ZX last year. It takes 2 years for tickets to come off your driving record but 3 years for insurance to let you off. It was 3 years in Febuary for one of my tickets and my insurance dropped about 1500 a year. My other 2 demerit point ticket will be 3 years this month.

I’m now 22 with a G licence and will have a clean record this month. My point being the old system still works, the cost of getting insurance with a bad record can sway your driving habbits. I don’t think it’s necessary to be even more strict on it as it does work.

I can also see how it’s unfair that I could be caught doing 10 over and let off, while someone under the age of 20 would have a suspension.

too many kids on this forum
dont screw around in ontario anymore
they are passing laws like no tommorow
first the 50 over law, and now this
i completely agree with the drinking and driving but not so much with the no multiple teenage passengers
im sure it will pass just as the 50 over law passed
soon we will no longer have traffic courts and if u get a ticket ur done lol
the police will be able to take ur licence and ur car so if u are about to get pulled over u might as well try to run lol just kidding
anyways guess all the younger drivers should just wait it out and go to the track to release all the road rage

Those two things just completely discredited anything you had to say. How ignorant of a statement.

Too bad 90% or more of the “kids” on this forum dont plan on tracking, they just talk about doing it to be cool.

Nah, I say at least 20% of us track the cars Cal.
Surprisingly, still not high.

So you’re saying 20% of <21 year olds on SON track their cars? I dont believe that for a second.

Ah, I missed the “kids” part.

I’ve never tracked my car.


Not once.

Never will either.

Why would you spend 6g’s on a lawyer? You are already guilty, save yourself the 6gs for the fine itself.

And I’d say it’s more like 5% or less from son that go to the track…both drifting and lapping COMBINED.

I think combined we at least have 10% under the age of 21.

All of son (discluding age) I think is about 20 - 25%

EDIT: Are we including people who are members but lurk with 0 “know who” in the community? Or EVERYONE under 21?

Every SON member.

But if you’re talking active members, I’d say around 10% go to the track, and 70% say that they want to go but they always have some sort of excuse…whether they are still building their car, or that they always have something to fix a day before the track day, every track day.

Best thing to do is make a poll. You’ll see who’s right.

12 300 sigs now on the petition

seems to be growing quick

lol u’d want the lawyer, its criminal court not traffic u wont get off witha fine without a lawyer without a lawyer ull be doing time for suree.

Anyways, the whole point is don’t get caught. It’s a gamble after all.

Kevin@AMS - “the demerit points system combined with insurance rates worked for me.”

This is a good statement that I would have to agree with. They have a good system set up already that is working well in my opinion. The 50km over rule already gets alot of speeders to drive slower, or with traffic speed. Tickets can be a pain in the ass and take time to clear, affecting your insurance rates for a long period of time. After receiving a ticket for a driving offence, it had raised my annual rates, and takes three years to clear. This has kept me driving pretty safe without doing anything stupid for two years now with one more year to go until the ticket clears. I drive safe now, and will continue to do so after the ticket clears/insurance drops to keep my record clean and avoid all the $$$$$ and time lost. Their system is pretty good already, but accidents/deaths continue to make their system slightly stricter as the years go on.

if ur planning on running make sure u always have like half tank of gas. and yeah run if u know ur way around the area lol , u dont want to end up in a dead end street. highway runners may get screwed because of the speed govenor.

What speed governor? :wink:

not that i condone running, but remember that police also have radios.

Radios are faster then 240s.

lol yeah im sure 90% of son has them removed but u still hit the rev limiter.



Won’t stop anyone from doing 180+
Not that I will…:rolleyes: