New Driving Laws for Our Shit Hole Province

I personally drive safer with passengers…
because I know I am responsible for any shit that happens,

when I’m alone… that’s when I get abit careless

Wait till the interceptors catch up…

im backing up intense on this. im glad they made this change so all these kids can learn not to be so stupid

The Crown Vic interceptors are pretty much the equivalent of heavy ass 2003 Ford Mustang GT’s. They’ve got the mustang’s 4.6L V8 pushing a bit over 260hp. Not exactly what I’d call RB20 material :stuck_out_tongue:

police cruisers arnt fast. sr20’s will easily leave them behind but we get screwed on our govenors lol.

*** Please don’t read if you are yawning already at the site of a long post…:wink:

I don’t want to seem insensitive and I hope the people who died RIP… But has anyone considered that the parent of the drunk teenager that died is making everybody else jump through new hoops because of something that he should have been on the look out as a parent?

Should we raise age for legal responsibility up to 21? I don’t think that is fair to the parents. BUT Similarly, pressing pedal 55 in a 50 zone on a regular monday to friday shouldn’t be cause for alarm - yet if this law passes - that’s enough for you to get your ride impounded for several weeks if you fit the age bracket.

Right back to the article: “I want the law changed immediately so that I don’t have to worry as much when my daughters are out partying and driving around in vehicles.”

I am wondering why can’t people take responsibility for what’s going on inside their homes like it used to be - instead they expect rest of society to clean up their mess. So is that hands-free parenting or what? I think there is a problem if parent doesn’t worry… There’s hundreds of other ways to f* up… and the only way to really turn it around starts at home maybe…

It’s the irony. Now many of you who fit in the age bracket will get reemed up the a** for occasional speeding - something everybody else will do once in a while anyways. And it’s because someone got pissed off and went to lobby a government to place another restriction based on something they are partially responsible for.

You guys remember how we got “anti-racing law” and all the other crap that came with it passed in the government. One case scenario blown out of proportion to give a more or less absolute and subjective powers to the cops.

Alcohol ban - ok, nothing new there. But the speeding and passenger rule is riticulous.

What happens if one day some old grandpa slips on pack of cigarettes some young guy leaves around - will they start arresting smokers?

Out of curiosity - anyone seen that CTV news about this senior plowing a van into someone’s home 2 or 3 weeks ago (there was no snow)? Was that street racing or dangerous driving? No, it got called “Driver lost control of the vehicle” which is what it may have been… Now see what happens if that ends up being your civic or 240 and you’re under 25… Your 6 pm news clip starts with some guys racing down the street and then pictures of your car with some people speculating about street racing. Instant media cannon fodder…

I read my post back and thought “yeah, I sound like a prick” - don’t get me wrong - I feel sorry for the people that died and the father. But I think it’s important be fair to the rest of the society that may break 2 of the 3 “curfews” without crashing and causing harm. Think about monday morning - Toronto - left carpooling lane with 2 or 3 other younger people to save on gas. Big truck on your a** no matter which lane you pick so you’re going over speed limit to keep up with traffic. Also - apparently cops can pull you over if you are slowing the traffic. My friend got pulled over 2 years ago. So which BS rule do you want to get hit with - notice/ticket for going slow or impound for going faster?

I am out of the age bracket so it doesn’t affect me but it does bother me because I know some of you that it will affect and you may lose your cars, hobbies, daily drivers for all the wrong reasons. I am just blabbing but I think some of it might make sense hopefully…

Very well said.

Wow, s1495. You are 100% on the ball. Couldn’t be more right.

People probably aren’t putting the blame on that dad because they feel like it might make them look like monsters and disrespectful. But I agree, this dad just needs someone to take the blame for his son’s own stupid actions.

He tries to say that he doesn’t wnat his son to die in vain and for no reason.

But well, his son did die for a reason, being an idiot by drinking and driving. 31 drinks in 3 hours, like come on.

Its small, but its a start…

About 9500 signatures already.

I’ve signed, so should you (if you oppose)

I signed. I was signature 9600. But this probably won’t make a difference.

No harm in trying.

And police cars ARE pretty slow. A stock sr 240 should be able to out run and easily outhandle a heavy police car with all that extra gear and batteries in it.

If we’re in the US, I probably wouldn’t try running, but here in Canada, we have a much better chance. I’m not saying that you should, but I’m just saying, if your license is going to get suspended anyways, why not take the chance? It’s either you get caught or you don’t. 50% chance of suspension is better than 100%.

well yeah that and if u get caught u get charged for flight, and im sure ull make a few dangerous turns and ull get charged for dangerous driving.

cops cant legally pursue motorcycles. everyone go get one.
you can only have one passenger on them anyway.


First time sil8t agrees with Fobwall?

This is a historic day.

Dude, if you get caught even just for normally speeding, that suspension is already going to ruin your insurance rates, and since this applies to people under 21…

Our insurance rates are already high. A license suspension = dropped insurance or $10,000 a year for insurance.

Like I said, it’s all or nothing.

all the cool kids run from the cops

but the really cool kids get away

well if u do get caught insurance will be the last of your worries, u gotta goto court all the time and pay a lawyer like 6g’s and ur license will prolly get suspended which is better than doing jail time for a trafic violation. some of the laws are just retarded in the country ull goto jail for trafic violations fucking retarded. like u kill someone or injure someone then yeah i understand they’d want jail time.

fuk typo not tru…lol
plus dont forget to show em ur gun while running.