New Driving Laws for Our Shit Hole Province

just listen to the hulk

I think the rule for zero tolerance for speeders and having more than one teen passenger is a joke. Everyone speeds… whether it be 15-25+, and iwhat about having a designated driver? If 4 friends go to a party and there is one guy who is sober that can take all 3 home, i think its better to do that than to have zero tolerance for more than one passenger. More pros than cons if you ask me…

The zero tolerance on alcohol seems lke a good idea to me. I’ve seen the stupidity behind some teens driving and quite frankly, something needs to be done…

You are allowed to carry family passengers…

i can understand the drinking and driving one sure the speeding is alright to but only 1 teenage passenger how bull shit is this. just cuz all these goofs that cant drive fucking kill all these other kids doesnt mean us respnsable ones should have to pay the price…

besides i will just drive with more passengers anyways and pretend to be completely oblivious about the new laws! :stuck_out_tongue:

hey noticed your all hating on the limit of passenger. so heres a way to think of it. Think of having a bunch of young people all around your age in a small space probably talking loud or talking to you. you can tell me that it isnt distracting. most people in this situation would pay more attention to whats in the car instead of whats outside. so loss of concentration on the road for a driver with little to no experience can result in a crash.

But to “keep it real”, what cop out their has the time to manage this along with all the other laws being disobeyed.

We should stick to what we have now and heavily enforce the law instead of adding new ones.

I’m glad I’m not 21 cause that would suck completely.

Does the law specifically say brother or sister or does it say Family Members?

Because what about young adults driving their child(ren)?

What if you’re under 21 but have a G license can you still have a beer or two?

Not true in some casses…

I drive safer with more people in my car than i do when im alone…

Why endanger others lives for my apparent stupidity?


I want to make a parody on this new law, it’ll be awesome…

fuck this law is all i have to say, the biggest thing is teh car pooling, especially designated drivers, i have been the designated driver many times, especially since a freind almost drove home drunk, now…i will have to let him drive drunk and kill a family. this is total BS, im all for the Wangan style haha, im going to end up on CNN breaking news haha. but on a serious note, i have never been given a speeding ticket, never had any ticket, never been in an accident, i always drive with passengers and music, im 19 years old full G, i usualy do the speed limit but sometimes coming over a hill or even not paying attention i do 5-10 over, but the most BS about all this is that cops in my area wait over hills for speeders targeting at spots where cars pick up momentum. FUCK THAT

The only chance of you ending up on CNN is if you keep running from the Canadian border and go right into the states. Good luck on getting through the border without getting shot though.

Those guys don’t see that much action and if they get a chance…boy will you have a closed casket funeral.

i say people start buying more horse and buggies
they havent started bothering the menonites yet

SOmeone photoshop a riced out horse and buggy with underglow, bling on the horse, and a big stupid wing. I’m too lazy to do it right now.

the drinking and driving law is a good idea end of story…but
im 17 just recently saved every penny for my 240 from my job at a grocery store. now i cant even enjoy it, im literally about to go outside and take the backseats out because there useless anyways. i drive friends home from school because they are not as fortunate to have there own car, and now what i cant drive them home because some rich lil fucking prick smashed his daddies car driving drunk. not my fault , why am i paying the consequences.

as for the speeding law, have you ever tried to drive the exact speed limit, if you have an analog speedometer i gaurantee you will never be able to do it while looking whats ahead of you. suspend someones license because by accident they did 5 over but where driving carefully looking ahead instead of staring at the speedo. genius. pure genius

i talked to a opp cop today and asked him about this he said that if it passes the law about speeding and getting suspended is going to apply to alll new drivers not just the 1ns under 21. but the passenger 1 if for under 21.

im confused by thaT ^^ so the speeding law will only affect people who get ther license after the law passes? i just dont get what calissifies a person as a new driver… when will they be classified as experianced, if they are over 21? or dont have those 4 stars on their license?

As I said before this is a joke, the government is so fucked up wow. Im going to drive with more then 1 person in my car, fuck that. If a cop pulls me over he must have a dick up his ass. There is no way they can enforce that law. As for the speeding one, I guess the way to go is running? lol Shit like this pisses me right off.

i dont know when they are classified as experienced, maybe as soon as they get their g or after a year or 2 , but the officer said that it doesnt matter what age u are it will apply to alll new drivers.

thats fucked up… i always used to get pulled over in my s13 after 4 beers with my G License… cops couldn’t say shit as i was always under the limit. and now i cant have 1 beer at all? this system is fucking stupid.