New Driving Laws for Our Shit Hole Province

i have emailed him and fully inted to call him untill he replys to me. i suggest you do the same. i will post up the link to the potition to stop this aswell.

his email link is

P.S. after emailing him he emails me this. i hope its the truth.

Thanks for your online message.

I often say that Ontario works best when we work together, so hearing from you is important to me. Every letter and message I receive is read and reviewed carefully. If your message requires an answer, we’ll do our best to get back to you as quickly as we can. Given the volume of online messages and letters I receive, and the fact that I may need to share your message with one of my cabinet ministers or the appropriate government officials for more information, a response may take several business days. Thanks again for taking the time to write me.

Premier Dalton McGuinty
Government of Ontario
Whitney Block, Room 462099
Wellesley St.
W.Toronto, ON
M7A 1A1
Fax: (416) 325-3745
Telephone: (416) 325-3777

sign that shit.

already at 13000

^LOL, canada’s laws suck. Europe autobahn/etc… ftw

cops are dicks anyways …i gott 6 points on my licence the second day i had my g2 cuz i chirped my tires going up a hill when i was learning how to drive standerd like shit i tried to tell him that and he asks me if i take him for an idiot im like man …this car has been on insurance for 2 days,like shit and i had never driven standard until my 240 and like shit that pissed me off. gott a careless driving charge for that and it wasnt even like i was spinning my tires it was a tiny chirp when i started going from being stopped on a hill

way to bump a zombie thread… rant somewhere else

wow back from the dead.

mod’s lock this thread please. i dont think the laws are even going into effect anymore.

In before the lock!!!



i was doing doughnuts on 16th av. at like 630 pm and a cop gave me a ticket there such pricks i mean its not like i was doing anything like what the hell?!?!

An old article… has this dumbass law been passed yet? I am not being for street racing here… We need some lawyers here to start battling these false stereotypes that every modified car is going to be street raced… Every modified car is becoming illegal - at first, speeding became street racing and now modifying your car is becoming street racing. And with biased absolute powers similar to what we had in eastern block in 1980’s, cops can take your car away with minimal effort.

It seems the only type of higher powered car we are allowed to drive is the new stuff coming off assembly lines… is the law sitting in the auto industry pockets? Not sure, but I doubt these current laws were made by majority of people and they need to be set straight to work for everybody fairly…

I think the way to overturn these dumb laws is:

  1. To look at crash statistics involving all car types and avoid media biased reporting. Notice that when you have a van, a truck or regular sedan and young people are not involved, regardless of speed, there is no mention of street racing. If on the other hand, you have young people involved and car fits stereotype, it’s that EVIL streetracing. This law has been passed on the backs of people’s fears and bias to what they see on tv and news. That’s first thing we could debunk and prove that is not the case.

  2. Disprove that all modified cars are used in street racing. If you look at the article and the quotes by the Ontario attorney, you’ll see that it’s full of bias and no statistics. It’s like some sort of personal vendetta. We need to set the law straight so it prevents street racing, while our province continues to thrive as a free place where people are not afraid to be creative with their cars.

  3. Get some media on our side to show what we are about. Strip all the movie and government hype and show people who we are, what we are really doing. Show the cars on tracks… but get someone that can really work with us, not the media that will use our clip against the background of a street race. We need a car enthusiast within a media… Someone who will listen to what it’s about instead of trying to make another 6 pm biased shocker for the news clip.

  4. Use the economic aspect of things as well - all these aftermarket companies are sitting silent. Meanwhile their customers are being hit hard. I think if they want to be around for a while longer, they should consider stepping up and joining together to help battle senseless laws. In 2003-2005… that was about eliminating street racing… Since 2006, the law has taken a different angle - it’s about stereotyping and eliminating modified cars - and that’s a battle with economic impact and assault on personal freedoms for creativity.

This will also affect higher power automaker cars as well - eventually cars such as subarus and mitsubishi evos could end up on the radar… Some automakers have their own lines of aftermarket parts which help them sell their models - nismo, trd, …

This will also affect more jobs and jobs linked to those jobs… Automotive industry is multi-tier system - there are cars and parts for them. If some parts make cars illegal, nobody buys these parts. If nobody buys these parts, more jobs go bye bye and that means lower tax revenue and more EI + welfare cheques cut. It’s in government’s interest to consider the repercussions of this law as well.

Maybe we should contact them as well.

  1. Get together, form an organization - perhaps with a website… and start lobbying the government for change… We need more than automotive clubs. We might need aftermarket companies, auto industry who deals with performance and even other organizations that are wanting to preserve freedoms and prevent further economic decline in Ontario (if the aftermarket/car performance industry & suppliers fall). This fight is not about street racing anymore, it’s about bias, creativity and economy. Let’s help our province people by setting it on the right track :slight_smile:

It comes a full circle - unless everybody wants to drive a smart car, or some other econo box (while digging into debt), let’s step up now…

Any ideas? Am I wrong?

(ok venting done… sorry it was longer than expected)