New guy from schenectady

come to my store from 9am-6pm, 1321 central ave…

That was cool of you.

You just righted a wrong in my book.

whats it called and your name and are you being serious ???

Capital cash for gold… see you tomorrow

whatt ? haha

I don’t understand what you’re confused about. Go in to capital cash for Gold, Dave is the owner, and tell him who you are and ask about the Job. Apparently Lance will be there too.

welcome to the site dude

let me tell you now before its too late that this site is probably not for you RIGHT now… its most likely gonna chew you up and spit you out quick and in a matter of no time someone is going to say something because you’re new and don’t know shit… and then you’re gonna get mad or take it personal and its gonna turn out ruining your life.

lol get a civic and a second job.

ok thankyou

Get a fucking life, then a new car… When I was 17 I was fucking girls in a Pontiac grand am… You should be whaling on pussy, not hanging out on forums.

