New guy, needs some feedback : )

Yea wtf singh ya damn ****

:rofl im going to bed tho, peace habibs !

I’ll split this when I wake up :facepalm

Arg, wtf

Check edits vlad

  1. get an under the table job
  2. get paid
  3. continue to collect unemployment
  4. live better

Street corner work?


nailed that one cossey…haha

yeh cause if it was’nt for people working on unemployment the tax payer money would’nt be wasted some other way.

I’d be worried more about the people getting money who have not worked long enough in their life to collect the unemployment. lol

I’d rather money be spent actually helping some people than just going to some slob to continue trying to fuck the government over. It’s one thing to collect unemployment while actually actively looking for a job, it’s another to be collecting unemployment while working under the table somewhere else so the government can’t see any wages earned.

its all bullshit… welcome to america!!

This is bull SHIT!

you are bullshit

AIDs is bullshit

Gayer than a bucket of AIDs

New guy, needs some… 03-10-2011 12:06 AM PJB yeah, a woman, not another dude. Fudge packing ftl

:rofl PJB has been killin me lately.

Couldnt’ say it better myself. I can’t stand people who aren’t willing to work at making their life better.

I was freakin an intern for 2.5 YEARS! With no benefits, and no hiring date in sight. I just kept busting my ass. And now? I’d say I’m pretty f’in vital to the IS department of my company. AND I’m going to school at night. Yet for someone who’s 23, I’d say I’ve done quite well for myself. Now if only I could get rid of some of my expensive hobbies and lifestyle things…then I’d really be successful :rofl.

You have to work HARD in this life to be successful. 1 out of 100,000 people can be successful doing something stupid like writing a book or painting a picture (or something else). The rest of us have to work 50 or 60 hours a week, etc.

OP, you need to man up and get your big boy pants on (unless your partner is already wearing them?) and fix your situation. No one here is magically going to make it all better for you and neither is talking to a dealership or a mechanic shop on fixing the truck. GET RID OF IT, eat the cost, get a job, and take care of the rest.

LOL saw that !

+1 fuck that shit, if you are collecting unemployment and working under the table, you might one of my boys for all i care i still say thats FUCKED up

:rofl pjb is hilarious

haha he is epic